At this point, I don’t think it’s a secret. Though why I haven’t addressed it here on the ol’ blog, I’m not sure. Maybe it’s my routine of addressing everything else before myself? Or because I was nervous what everyone would think of me? I’ve had a few different reactions to my donning of braces as an adult, especially by those that knew me in middle school, when I had my first round of brace-face. Some have been congratulatory, some made me feel awful, and even one or two went for their orthodontic consult after seeing me get mine. But my story of WHY I got adult braces is a little different.
Just as I said before, I had braces as a middle schooler. 2+ years of rubber bands, headgear, retainers and wax-covered brackets. The reason I’m up against braces after that whole ordeal is that I have giant rabbit teeth and a tiny little kid head. The two don’t fit together. So even with permanent retainers, my giant teeth were shifting. It got to the point that it bothered me a little bit. Enough to ask a recommendation from the dentist and sit on that piece of paper for TWO YEARS.
Eventually, my husband said enough. Get thee to the orthodontist or toss the paper. So I went, and heard her plan. Pull four teeth, add braces for 12-18 months and you’ll be good FOREVER. Hmmmm. pull four teeth, you say? Not sure about that at all. When I ran the plan by my mom, she sighed. Apparently, my middle school ortho had said there was a 50/50 chance pulling four bicuspids could fix my overcrowding problem. But with such an even chance, my mom didn’t want to take the chance on pulling four perfectly good teeth at such a young age. After all, I still had some growing to do, right?
Apparently my head is still too small…. so I elected to move forward. I had metal brackets and a wire slapped on after a week with spacers (HIGHLY painful headaches that are WORSE than braces) and there was no turning back.
This is the last picture of me with all my teeth…. I’ve since had the four pulled out (yes, the tooth fairy came to visit!!) and have healed up nicely. I’ve even had my second wire put on to start yanking everyone into permanent position.
But I wasn’t sure about everything at first. The first month or so, braces will RIP the inside of your mouth to shreds. I spend most of that time covered in various balls of wax (Note: that should not go down the sink drain unless you want a massive clog) and popping Advil. The first time our family was in a picture, I panicked about smiling. Should I smile? Resting B face? A smirk? Ugh. Just go for it. Own it. Grab my applesauce and mac and cheese and the self behind the braces. I smiled through the wax, and I’m glad I did. I look happier than not.
Good friends help. I’ve had two friends go for consultations, one actually GET braces (GO GIRL!!) and only one ask me, “why would you do that to yourself? As an adult?” Because it will make me feel better about myself in the long run. And I’ve got many many more years ahead of me with a better smile. 🙂 A year will fly by before I know it, and then I’ll be snagging new headshots and smiling harder than I ever have. So, go ahead, ask me about my braces; I’ll gladly tell you everything I can, and smile for a picture with you.
I’ve had braces twice as an adult. I’m glad that my teeth are fixed (I guess the third time really was the charm.) My second orthodontist removed my braces too early and I should have pushed back on that decision a little harder. Lesson learned. 🙂
I have been toying with this idea for years! Good for you!! MY biggest question is cost! So, how much? Can you pay monthly?
Hey… I made the blog!
I’m glad you are doing something for you! With all of my jaw pain of late, I’m wondering id they would help me?
This is awesome. I love that you did this and love your explanation why “it will make me feel better about myself in the long run. And I’ve got many many more years ahead of me with a better smile.” What a great example of self love and self care.
I’ll be sharing this post.
I can’t wait to see your teeth as you progress through this! You are so pretty, I think you’re going to really rock your new smile!
My daughter had braces as a kid, and her teeth have shifted again as an adult. She thought about getting braces as an adult. You rock them.
Good for you! I love that you had the courage and willpower to change something about yourself you were not happy with. That is a big step and shows so much strength.
Aw, thank you. It took me a while to even be ok on the inside with my own choice! <3
Your teeth will look beautiful! My friend just got her braces off but she got them as a 24 year-old and couldn’t be any happier with the result.
It’s cool that you decided to do this. I have braces too. I know I’ll be happy once they’re off but they’ll be so worth it.
I remember having braces! I can’t wait to see the after picture!
Good for you for being brave. Sometimes as adults we think things will be worse than they really will be and it prevents us from making those appointments. Bravo to you!
I had braces as an adult too. I thought it would make me look young. Nope. Not a good look for me. I didn’t smile for two years. You look cute in yours, though! Keep smiling!
I had braces when I was a teenager. I remember very well how much they shred the inside of your mouth. I would definitely get them as an adult if I needed them. Why not do something that will make you feel better about yourself. I look forward to seeing the after photos.
It’s great to be able to do something for yourself and it’s never too late for braces! I’m sure it will turn out amazing, just make sure to follow your dentist’s orders!
I just recently got my braces off after 20 months and all the pain was so worth it. I too had to get 4 teeth removed and that was the worst part trying to close up those spaces.
yes, same here. Teeth out was the worst….. I get new wires next month and I’m sure they will start with the rubber bands!
Have you experienced any complications since getting the teeth extracted (i.e. jaw pain, sleep apnea, gaps). I’ve been in braces for a little over a year and now my ortho is suggesting premolar extractions to correct an overjet. I’m on the fence because I don’t want to pull good teeth and i am in no pain but I want a great smile.
This is a great question. I’m a few years from having my braces REMOVED, and I do not have any side effects. I wear my removable retainer at night, the only SLIGHT gap (large enough to floss without tightness) is filled by my retainer wire. I have no pain, no apnea, no sagging. In fact, I’m not even sure where the heck I put the 4 pulled teeth… there’s no room in there! 🙂 I have a small mouth but large teeth. Feel free to ask me anything!
Have you experienced any complications since getting the teeth extracted (i.e. jaw pain, sleep apnea, gaps)
That’s great! I did Invisalign and it changed my life, good for you! Can’t wait to see your new smile!
That’s awesome that you got braces as an adult! Way to rock them and way to share your journey with all those who have thought about it but never pulled the trigger!
It’s great that you put the good and the bad on here. I think they look fine, and you’re surely going to love it all after it’s all said and done, which will make everything worth it.
Good for you. Do what makes you feel confident! I think you look great.
Oh, you gave me an idea. However, I am still worrying about the pains because I have occasional migraine.
I remember my cousin having a brace. I can’t wait to see this picture.
Proud of you! I’m in the same teeth/head situation and had so many pulled when I was younger. Plus the rounds of retainers & braces in middle school & high school. I haven’t had anything done in years, but keep debating getting a night retainer just to help maintain the current position of the teeth I have because they are definitely shifting some. Not enough to bother me now – I just don’t want them moving a lot in the years to come. I need to act on it. Keep holding off because another medical expense (speech therapy for the boy; birth of the girl; new glasses for myself & DH; a root canal for me – ugh; etc) keep happening. This year has been calmer. Maybe now is finally the time to act.
You’ve got to do it when it’s right for you. I sat on that referral for TWO YEARS! 🙂
My story is so similar it’s scary! 1 st set of braces as a teen- no teeth pulled that should have been. I actually saw three Orthodontist’s over several years as an adult (trying to find one to fix my smile without suggesting pulling teeth) before I dove in! I just had four teeth removed this week (2 upper and 2 lower). My mouth feels like a train wreck!!!
Wow, that IS so similar! My spacers were the worst pain by far, but the braces are actually ok. I hope you heal well! Let me know how it goes.
Escaped braces as a kid, but just started treatment on Tuesday. I’m really struggling, I had NO idea how much pain these things would cause, with my being unable to even eat soft white bread last night. How long until it gets easier? Did you question why you made the decision to get braces in the first few days (as I am doing now)? Thanks so much for doing this, your teeth really do look good even in the braces, which not everyone can say!
Thank you for your kind words! Those first few days are AWFUL. The pain of the spacers was far worse than the braces, for me. My ortho had me on a size 14 wire (very flexible) for the first 6 weeks. It was easier to transition, though I nearly covered myself in wax for the sharp edges. Don’t be in pain… get wax! After about a week, the pain subsides from the wire, though the pain from the sharp edges will be worse for a while. Even 7 months in, I’m still using it occasionally.
I thought long and hard to get them, as I already had them when I was a kid. My teeth shifted as I grew up, so I missed the straightness. I remember a few days after they were put on… there was no going back. It will be worth it in the end!:)
I’ve had braces 3 times already. Very expensive all 3 times! My dog ate my retainers the first two times, and then the third time my retainers were worn out and they cracked in half. Hesitating to get replacement retainers (again!) was a huge mistake. I didn’t want to pay $400 to replace them, and ended up paying more to get braces back on. I didn’t want to be made fun of getting braces again, especially trying to get my professional career going, I just felt like I was going to be judged or something for having them! I’m 24, but still super self conscious about it. Happy though I am deciding to fix my teeth once again! Hopefully the last time, we spend so much money fixing them the first time around, we might as well spend the money to keep them that way for life! Also, for anyone who wears clear retainers, my best friend bought retainers from a company who makes replacement retainers! I plan on getting back-up ones as soon as I get my braces off, definitely have learned my lesson over the years! If anyone is interested, justretainers dot com, hope it’s useful to some of you!
Great info about braces! Thanks for sharing this information about need of braces .These ideas of dental marketing are really wonderful. This will be really helpful and it is simple as well. Keep sharing this post more and more!
I’m 40 and had to get a tooth pulled. I could pay over $3k for a fake tooth, or, for nearly the same price, close the space with braces and get the perfect smile I always wanted but could never afford.
I’m taking the plunge and getting braces. It’s dumb that braces are thought of as a “kid” thing. The only thing having braces as a kid shows about a person is how much money their parent(s) had!! It’s a meritless judgment/dogma.
It’s also dumb that people are supposed to feel insecure about how they look if they have braces as an adult. I actually like them and think your braces look great!
Glad you went for it! It’s a short period of time and the long-run reward is super fantastic. So let the haters hate and keep smiling and enjoying life!!!
I’m almost 64 I just had my braces remove Sept 25 2019 . After all those years of having super crooked teeth it feels fantastic.
The same that happen to Lisa happen to me. I decided to have the tooth removed
and the opening started closing with the braces. It’s a great improvement and investment. Recommend to all adults the sooner the better but it’s never to late.
Keep on smiling !!!!!