Red was getting a little scraggly around the ears….. his hair on top was filling in nicely, but the stuff around back and on the sides, the “cul-de-sac” that he was born with, was getting long. Hubs and I really felt like a little haircut would help him not to look like a little ragamuffin baby.
But there was opposition! Grandparents on both sides, other family members and even some friends said, “No! You have to let him have some baby curls!” But those hairs were stick straight, bright red and finer than thread. It wouldn’t hold baby oil and slick back – it stuck nearly straight out!
So when my Mom visited and saw the scraggly mess in person, she finally agreed. Yes, Red looks awful – time for a trim!
Last Saturday, we crammed into the car – Mom, Dad, Hubs, me and Red and headed to get a quick trim at Great Clips. We were 4th in line, but had the largest entourage in the store!
As many shots as I take of everyone else, I rarely get into the shots unless it’s with my phone, and of me and Red. I took advantage of the mirror and got a little family self-portrait in.
Mom and Dad (Nonna and T, or Dragon and Nighthawk) watched on with a front row seat.
Our master stylist was really sweet and sensitive to the fact that it was Red’s first haircut and knew exactly what he needed. She even warmed up the water and gave him a little massage before taking the first clip.
And we collected all the hair in a little card keepsake – to be sure Mama won’t lose it and we can enter all the info in his baby book 🙂
Red wanted to hold her comb, so she gave him one to hold. But then he wanted to see everything she was doing! She took a little off the sides and top,
and then clipped up the back.
I think Red was a little fond of her. He gave her a big thank you hug and reached out to touch her dangly earrings and hair.
And she gave Red a little kiss. His red hair looks so much better now! Like a little cute boy instead of message and stringy. So cute! 🙂
Here’s a little video that I caught. Enjoy!
Thanks for bringing Red in!
Kasey S.
Great Clips
How sweet!