I never used to drink coffee. In fact, I even despised the bitter tingle you’d taste when eating Tiramisu. Coffee beans smelled divine, but I could never drink the stuff itself. I was a weary-eyed, exhausted grad school student the first time I ever sipped a latte, and even then, I required an entire sugar cane field to get it down (not sure that has changed!). The surge in popularity of Starbucks led me to discover the white chocolate latte, which is still my favorite “specialty” drink, but at home, a regular cup of coffee wasn’t on the menu. I was (and still am) a tea fanatic.
Now, my mother tells me she only started to drink coffee after I was born. Apparently, as a toddler, I was a little “busy” and she needed the caffeine boost to keep up. I, myself, discovered when Red was an active 2-years-old that I needed a little boost, too. The acquisition of my Keurig only made it easier for me to experiment with java to see exactly how I liked it. Espresso is too strong and rich for me, and dark coffee is right out. But a light roast Cafe Au Lait is just the ticket. Two stevia packets with coffee and milk in equal parts, and I’m sucking down cup after cup. My sweet husband even learned exactly how I like my morning coffee since I’m playing the cow (nursing) as soon as I wake up, bringing me the glorious morning bevvie in a fun mug to wherever I might be in the house.
I hustled up this free printable “But First, Coffee” Sign for you to enjoy in your kitchen, office, bed, or just about wherever you like to sip on your Cuppa Joe. I’m sitting a copy in my little coffee bar to look at every morning. Because my morning coffee helps me feel sparkly…
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