Earlier this week, I lost my Grandmother. She passed without pain, in her sleep. My cousin Summer, who works at the nursing home that only recently accepted her into their care, held her hand until the ambulance arrived at the building. My family and I had gone to visit her only last month, … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me
Mommy & Me: Santa 2016
My friend Krystyn is always urging parents to get in on the picture. After all, it's that you are there that counts. Not what you're wearing, what your hair looks like; you've got to document that you actually exist with your kids. Every so often, I look through the last few weeks … [Read more...]
A visit from GrandMartha
Last weekend, our family met up with extended family and super-extended family (think cousins of cousins, etc) for a family reunion that happens once a year. It takes place on this beautiful family farm and folks bring dishes, pot-luck style. GrandMartha's desserts, Pop's Mac 'n cheese, … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me: UGA Football
Chase has been going to UGA games since he was in college. I've been attending select games since I was in grad school, and even Red had his first few games with Daddy last year. While Scarlett was really too little to attend the dawgs' game in Sanford stadium last year, this … [Read more...]
A Tender Moral Compass
I took Red and Chase to see the Atlanta Lyrics' Shrek the Musical. It was Red's first theatre performance in some time (um... since he was 2!) because I felt that he was mature enough to handle being polite and quiet for an hour at a time with an intermission to run around. He did … [Read more...]
Hasbro Playdate: Mommy & Me
Being an older sibling is great and all, but as a little kid, it can be pretty hard. You've been used to being the only kid. Full attention from both Mama and Daddy; no one to compete with. All the toys are yours. All the playdates and carpools are for you. Sharing the … [Read more...]
Kids Run the Bases at Turner Field
Thank you to the Atlanta Braves for hosting Red and I to a Sunday game, where Red participated in Kids Run the Bases! Since Red went to his first Braves game this season, we have been non-stop. Red lives and breathes for the Braves right now, and visiting Turner Field has only reinforced his … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me: Photostory May
This month (actually the past two months) have flown by in record timing. I can account for each day, each moment, with its struggles, joys and menial tasks, but the weeks as a whole I can't account for. When someone asks me "what's been going on?" I'm almost out of breath … [Read more...]