Hey ya’ll! I’ve been pulling two shows this week, and I’m POOPED! Glass Menagerie at my school opened last night to a full house, and Annie for the Atlanta Lyric Theatre makes it’s debut tonight (and tickets are going fast! …sorry for the plug… a girl’s gotta eat, ya know!) What keeps me going through these long double tech days? Red, of course, but also these furry loves. Doo and Kitty get some serious exposure on my Instagram, but not so much featuring on the ol’ blog.
So to help you into the weekend (and to keep me giggling) here’s a picture of Dooley with Red’s McQueen slippers on, being an awesome sport,
… and Kitty, who has taken over the unused changing table pad and made it her personal nest amongst the laundry piles and whatnot. What have your pets done lately to make you laugh?
Lindsey Paris says
Dooley is absolutely adorable! I’m a UGA grad, so I can definitely appreciate his name! 😉
Lindsey Paris says
I have not been to this place since I moved back home from college and that was in 2002. I see that there are not many locations here, but I am inclined to try it one evening or weekend…
Lindsey Paris says
Yum! can I have a bahama breeze margarita? their food is awesome.