Ready for a deep cut? In 2018, I wore a Mad Madam Mim Disneybound Costume hybrid to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. Plenty of folks in Magic Kingdom recognized the outfit, thanks to my long purple hair and my red makeup spots, so I consider it a Disneybound well done! Here’s how I built the costume, and how you can quickly pick up the same supplies!
Mad Madam Mim Disneybound Costume
Getting all the elements for this costume was a snap with Amazon. Since I had limited time to gather and alter the pieces needed for this Disneybound costume, two-day shipping was my BFF. All of these items are still available, except for the silky skirt, which is no longer sold. This slightly shorter version is Fuschia is the perfect sub, so grab all of these elements and don your “long purple hair!”
Purple Cosplay WigWomen’s Skater Skirt FlaredMad Madam Mim PinWomen’s Camisole, PurpleMadam Mim Travel Lunch Bag
Mad Madam Mim Makeup
My makeup was a more retro version of my everyday makeup though, in Florida’s 80 degrees and 100% humidity, the glamour lasted about 8.5 minutes. Then, I was a glistening, sweaty version of myself. Ironically enough, the wig did not make me hot… the makeup did! I added red spots with a football fan face crayon, which thankfully was water-resistant. The iconic spots are a part of Mim’s identity!
Revert It Into A Mad Madam Mim DisneyBound
Going to Walt Disney World Resort or Disneyland Resort for Dapper Day? You can easily turn this into a Bound with a purple hair bow instead of the wig, and crinoline under the skirt. Flats, kitten heels, or even hot pink Keds would make it a walkable version for the Parks all day! I did wear purple sneakers for this Halloween Party, as I tend to zigzag all over the Parks for photos. My favorite of the night was this IG feature, pulling the sword from the stone! There was one kind person that would take my photo for me… SO MANY selfie-taking Millenials declined while they duck-lipped behind the castle. Y’all help a friend out!
Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
Be sure to read my 13 Top Tips for Attending Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. If you’ve never visited before, you’ll want to make sure you have a plan for tricks, treats, parades, and shows. You can easily spend 2-3 nights covering all the fun! Of course this time around, I was out for photos and the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom card!
PhotosPass for Mad Madam Mim
Since I had such a hard time getting photos at locations like the Sword in the Stone, Photopass became my best friend. The Halloween Party has really fun limited-time Magic Shots like the hitchhiking ghosts and even the Gravediggers long the Frontierland bridge. Often the party guide will share these snappable spots and bloggers (like me!) will document other ones for you.
You’ve got to get a Main Street USA photo! I didn’t see Merlin or a Wart at the Party, but plenty of people recognized my look as Mim. That’s a successful Disneybound! What are you wearing to the next Halloween Party or even on Halloween at your home? Would your family do a Sword in the Stone family costume with you?
PinkPeachFuzz says
Awesome Disneybound costume! I love the Sword in the Stone