Holy cow… we’re in December. That’s unreal. I haven’t ordered Christmas cards (much less taken the pictures), only half the Christmas presents are purchased, no holiday baking or teachers gifts secured. And even though the calendar says it’s “only” December 8th, it’s a dirty, rotten liar. Christmas will be here in what seems like a week, and I have so much left to do!
But December isn’t the only thing that’s flying by. The whole fall season snuck by, and I’m left with so many unshared photos of what we did! Red had his first UGA home game (outside of the belly….) and he absolutely loved it. Complete with a bag of popcorn, he stuffed himself with snacks and feasted his eyes on the “The GEORGIA football” with Daddy and me. We left at halftime to give Red a break (and UGA was creaming the competition) and headed for hot dogs at the Varsity, an Atlanta and Athens staple.
When Thanksgiving rolled around, a few of us were feeling pretty sick, but we soldiered on in the name of broccoli casserole (I totally didn’t get enough… I might have to make one for dinner just because!) and visiting family. Our trip with cousins to the Zoo to see all the Christmas lights left Red elated for the weekend, and only resulted in a minor tantrum when it was time to leave all the lights and foamy snow.
Our first visit of the year with “Santy Claus” was fun, with all the cousins piled in for a shot. I really missed my brother not being able to make it up from Florida, but he’s stationed with the Coast Guard down there protecting us all. Thank you, Tyler! Our other cousin, Drew, had just driven in for Thanksgiving at the 11th hour due to work, so he didn’t make it to the Zoo either.
On second thought, maybe I can just PUT them in the photo. There. Flawless photoshopping. I don’t know what ya’ll are talking about. I should be hired by the tabloids 😉 Haha! But as the season marches on, I’m trying to keep up and have some fun. Any ideas for cheap and easy Christmas activities that your family loves? I’m all ears!
Such cute pictures! Girl, I’m right there with you as far as being behind on Christmas. I’m feeling quite panicked, but I’m confident all will get done so that I can thoroughly enjoy the day itself. Glad to see you’re well!