Thank you to American Girl for the complimentary hairstyle for my vintage Samantha Doll at the American Girl Doll Hair Salon. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Y’all already know what a big Disney nerd I am. In fact, the level of nerdiness was so extreme I earned a spot on the Disney Parks Moms Panel in 2017. The other nerd-doms you might not know about extend into Harry Potter, historic costuming and some childhood toys. One childhood obsession started in 1990 (or before) with a Christmas gift of Samantha Parkington, from the Pleasant Company. (You’ll now know them as American Girl). I collected her dresses, books, paper dolls, a cookbook and plenty of accessories. Up until my teen years, I still dressed her and set her scenes with historic pieces and lots of imagination.
Scarlett, who recently turned 3, is a short while away from owning her own doll, and (due to my OCD) many years from playing with my beloved antiques. When my besties Meghan and Krystyn asked if I wanted to tag along to the American Girl Doll Hair Salon in Atlanta, Ga at North Point Mall, they really had no idea about the can of worms they opened!! You’d think I would have taken Scarlett with me, but I really wanted my own chance to be a kid and reminisce about my childhood!
Nerdy, Grown-Up Kid
I flew into a nerdy frenzy, digging out my Samantha doll, her accessories, dresses, steamer trunk, furniture and even my own clothes and backpack. Yup. I was an enormous 12-year-old and haven’t gotten an inch taller since then… so a few pieces still fit (also, thanks to the 90s baggy style!!). I raked out an old box of photos, where I knew my 1992 premier first issue of American Girl Magazine was stashed! I’m sure my friends were giving me the hard side eye, but there was no stopping me… I was tossing my kids to the side in favor of my grown-up trip to be a kid again! And yes, I totally wore my shirt and bag to the Salon!
American Doll Hair Salon
The Salon is pretty affordable, I learned, with hairstyles in the neighborhood of $10-$20. The dolls have various hair textures and lengths, so the style options are sorted in the booklet according to those features. Due to various layers and permanent characteristics, the “named” dolls are the only ones that can opt for those certain styles. Having a Samantha doll and wanting to enhance and restore her style, I chose the “Samantha Style” to give my doll back her youth (as she was giving mine to me today!).
The 6 other youngers that came along with me and my besties each brought dolls with them. Gabby, Tenney, Luciana, and Nanea were along for the ride, as well as Wellie Wisher Willa. The dolls had obviously been loved and played with and enjoyed, but needed a new, fresh style!
If you and your child would like to visit the American Girl Doll Hair Salon to give your doll a fresh look, you should really make an appointment. We showed up as soon as the store opened, yet were worked in over the course of a few hours; the salon is very busy! The American Girl Bistro also takes reservations, so you should consider what you want to do during your Atlanta visit!
American Girl Doll Hair Salon Video
To get a real taste of my morning preparation, take a look at my video below. You’ll see how the dolls are restored and styled, along with what you can expect during your visit. Would I take my other doll Felicity to get styled? Absolutely. If you are the proud grown-up owner of a childhood memory, I highly recommend making an appointment to get your doll’s hair restored. The stylists took great care of my treasure!
Don’t these girls (and their babies) look fabulous?! I was so renewed with Samantha’s fresh look that I toured the store dreaming of what doll Scarlett might choose. I have a very soft spot for the historical dolls, so I took a long tour of Julie (the 1970s), Kit (1930s) and Melody (1964) and all their amazing accessories. The historic touches and highly-researched accessories are a dream. Scarlett might have a time getting me away from her budding collection…
Will you dig out your dolls and take them for a refresh? See if you have an American Girl Doll Hair Salon in your neck of the woods! I think you’ll be really happy with your results!
So fun! I have my original Plesant Company dolls too and I’ve been waiting for my daughter to get old enough to take her to the store. I love that you still have your shirt and backpack. I still have a kid-sized Kirsten dress – there’s no way it would fit me anymore though. Lol!
I love that! I think my Mom still has a Somantha and Felicity dress stored! 🙂