Thank you to Huggies for sponsoring today’s post, and helping me share my time saving tips! Keep reading to see how you can save $12 on a pack of Huggies diapers…
I’m super busy, just like most working moms (and stay at home moms!). Between getting your day started, copy-writing deadlines and the bedtime routine it can seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Blogging, Red’s activities, saving money, figuring dinner plans and catching up with family can leave me wiped out and feeling unproductive. My sweet neighbor (Hey Helen!!) always comments that I can stretch one day into two, and get what seems like tons done. My smart mom secret? I try to stay as organized and prepared as I can. You can get much more done if you’re ready for your day (and if you can catch those unexpected circumstances with solutions)! Try these few tips to help your day pack a punch:
1. Get diapers and supplies online with an easy-reorder service like I never had much experience shopping online before I had Red. I grew up as the internet birthed AOL’s IM and camera-based web chats were only for child-predators. But the world wide web has changed a lot since then. Grabbing my daily essentials online helps me save time (like that time Hubs and I didn’t get to Christmas shop until the last second!), gas, stress, and saves me from the in-store toddler wrangling hassle. I can then use that time for work, for play, or maybe to spend a little more time with my family. Or getting a mani-pedi… whatevs… 🙂 If you need some more time in your life while you juggle your kids, try shopping at and use the code WOWHUGGIES for $12 off a first time purchase on any Huggies diapers case. No worries, no hassle, no little booties left without a dipe.
Along with 12 hours of superior leak protection, you’ll get some adorable Disney designs that show off your #Disneyside… which I’m totally a fan of. And Red was always a Huggies baby… it was the ONLY diaper that held him in. After shopping around, we went right back to the Huggies. (Even I was a Huggies baby back in the early 80s!)
2. Clean the little messes as you go. Dirt, dust, laundry, and dinner plans can pile up on you really quickly. If you wipe up the spills as they happen, run a small dust buster in the kitchen after dinner, and keep some clean wipes on hand, the job gets easier. If you have your hands really full, enlist some other members of the family to help (they may not know you need it until you ask!) or have a mother’s helper over for a few hours a week so that you can really give the dust bunnies their come-uppance.
3. Make the most of nap-time or bedtime routines. I wish someone had tipped me off about this before I had kids. I wish I had realized what was going on when Red was tiny. All I wanted to do was look at him all day and see what he was going to do next. Which left me with a dirty house and work piling up. I had to learn the hard way to get up before him, ready my work for his naptime, and use the evenings to really clean the house. That being said, if I’m really tired, I’m still making the most of the naptime if I take a nap! Use it however you need it most!
4. Keep organized, and you’ll never lose anything. Before baby, you’ll most likely have everything in it’s place. When baby comes, try to keep it that organization going! Have small baskets in each room to catch your items. Put things away immediately after you use them, and you’ll never lose precious minutes looking for them, stressing out, or being late. Now, when those pacifiers seem to multiply and then grow legs and walk away? You can’t contain those… pacis are another ball of wax.
Don’t forget to visit and save $12 on your first pack of Huggies with code WOWHUGGIES. Keep those leaks at bay, and save all that time having diapers delivered and on-hand! Click the graphic below to start shopping…
Keep pre-made snacks on hand. Infant, babies and toddlers all have one thing in common: a little hungry tummy means a really cranky little human. If you are nursing, you can almost always help a hungry baby. But, if you are weaning, feeding first foods, or snack-time arrives an unexpected hour early, make sure you have little packs of raisins, applesauce, or puffs ready to go. Toss a few in the diaper bag as well as having a few in the pantry and fridge so you can combat a cranky toddler at a moment’s notice. Or for when you’re hungry; last thing you want is to run out of your favorite snack!Don’t forget to visit and save $12 on your first pack of Huggies with code WOWHUGGIES. Keep those leaks at bay, and save all that time having diapers delivered and on-hand! Click the graphic below to start shopping…
So how do you make the most of your day? Do you have some tip saving tips to share?
That’s a pretty sweet deal…and super great that they arrive at your house!
Huggies were my fav before we tackled potty training. I wish I’d ordered diapers online to save time and money. Will definitely share!
Huggies were the only thing that worked for my son, everything else leaked terribly! My old boss always ordered online and it was so convenient!
The tip about cleaning the little messes as I go is something I wish I did more. I am a wicked procrastinator. Sigh.
Huggies was always my “go to” brand when my daughter was in diapers. They do the job and they do it well! These are great tips for moms. I know I used many of them and still do!