Since I haven’t posted in almost a week, I feel like I owe ya’ll an explanation! I promise I haven’t gone totally AWOL; I’m in Missouri visiting Mom and Dad, along with Red and (for a short time before work was looming) Hubs. We’ve been exploring the city and celebrating my Dad’s 60th birthday over the 4th of July.
Why have I just sprung this on you now? The entire trip was a surprise for my Dad! I was so afraid to let out the secret, I barely talked about it to anyone until we are on the plane, bound for the Gateway to the West. We had a seamless trip out, and my Dad was thrilled that not only my entire family arrived, but my brother from Key West, too. (He’s stationed there in the Coast Guard and was able to receive leave for the trip!)
I can’t wait to share photos of our cart tour, city landmarks, fabulous restaurants, and family photos. I brought my Canon T3i with me, and I’ve been practicing some photography along the way. Tomorrow means it’s back to reality with work, travel, and the regular grind. In the meantime, I’m off to another fabulous MO restaurant to keep the celebration going. Make sure to take a peek at my Instagram feed to follow all the fun until we’re back home!
Lindsey Paris says
Great picture with your folks! Hi RedHeadBabyMa and Pa!
Lindsey Paris says
This is just too funny! I often feel like that- can I just pass out on the floor after I finish the laundry?
Lindsey Paris says
Precious picture! Tell your mom and dad Hi for me – and a belated Happy Birthday to Tim!!
Lindsey Paris says
I am glad that you had a good time visiting! I hope that you told Nonna that M and Peanut love her!