Chase and I announced our pregnancy on New Year’s Day – it was a super exciting way to start our year, and we both created little media projects to announce our bundle, arriving in July. Of course, since we couldn’t have an ultrasound until late February (around the 20 week mark) we could only speculate the gender of our baby… jokingly, our family called the baby “Lincoln,” a gender-neutral name that has many inside jokes and laughs for us (that’ll have to be its own post one day!) If we ever asked Red what they baby was, he would always reply that it was a boy, a brother, and “not a grill, Mama!” (not a typo… the monkey can’t truly pronounce the word “girl!”) And so we were convinced. Resigned, even. It was going to be a boy. It wouldn’t matter to really have a gender reveal, because we were so sure it was a boy.
It’s not that we didn’t want a girl, or we couldn’t welcome a girl. Red was so adamant that it was a boy, we were going with it. It was cool. But we made sure to start brainstorming girl names, too. After all, even though “out of the mouths of babes” comes truth, Red isn’t a doctor. Or at least I don’t think he is. On we went.
During the ultrasound, we had our tech separately print a picture of the “goodies” and write the gender of the baby on a card. Then, just a few days later, the sealed envelope was transferred to my Mom and Nana, who were going shopping for two outfits; one for a boy, and one for a girl. Evenly matched in price and size, the cashier took a gift box, the sealed envelope and both outfits to the back room. There, she opened the envelope and chose the correct outfit for the box. Then, she rang it up and placed the receipt in the box. For an extra measure, she taped all over the box to prevent anyone from sneaking a peek. (To Mom’s credit, she knows her weaknesses, and asked the cashier to really tape it well!!)
Saturday afternoon, both extended families convened at the house, (huge party!) and we had a surprise gender reveal that truly was a surprise for everyone in the room. Since we had done a gender reveal cake for Red, we wanted to do a similar event for this baby. Watch the video below and see what we’re having… what’s your prediction?! 🙂
I don’t know what I would have done with a girl to be honest. I am totally made to be a mom of all boys 🙂
Love it! And, yeah, I’m the opposite of Robin…what would I do with a boy?
Girls and boys round out this family and each added a quality of their own. Congratulations! I really like the way you shared the news about the baby’s gender.
It’s so nice to have both girls and boys in the family. Usually they get along swimmingly. =D
Looks like you had an awesome party! I hope you have a happy, healthy daughter 🙂
Congrats on the baby and looks like such a fun reveal. I dream of having a baby girl one day!
Gender reveal parties sound like a lot fun. I wish we had done one when we had our son. Congratulations on the upcoming addition to the family.
Congratulations! Now you get to enjoy princesses and glitter as well as superheroes and mud. 😉
Gender reveals are so fun! I wish we would have done it with our girls. Congrats on your new baby!
As a mom of 3 girls, I can proudly say that I would have been completely lost had I had a child of the opposite sex. Although I thought I wanted one when I was pregnant. Congratulations on your new addition! xoxo
Oh how fun! That reveal party must have been a blast! Congratulations on the baby girl!
I love that you had a TRUE gender reveal party, since no one there knew. Congrats on your baby girl!!
Congrats on it being a girl! I have one of each and it is a great experience.
Awesome gender reveal party! I love how everyone found out at the same time! Congrats on the new little girl!!
I had my babies before the days of gender reveal parties but love the concept! Congratulations on your little girl and getting to experience both genders is definitely something special.
Congrats! Looks like y’all had a great party! We have 2 boys.
I guessed girl. Yay! I was right. Congratulations! I love how you all revealed it.
So fun! Congrats and what a fun way to celebrate the gender reveal.
Congratulations! One of each is wonderful. It’s interesting how different the diaper changes are, lol. And Hubs, get ready for a Daddy’s girl!
Congrats!!! What a fun party. I hope Red is adjusting to the fact he’ll be getting a sister instead of a brother. My son has been madly in love with his baby sister since her birth (of course, she’s still too small to get into his stuff 😉 ). It was an adjustment for me from being a “boy mom” and learning to find my way into all the pink stuff! But no complaints. It’s kind of fun having one of each.
Girls are awesome! So are boys. I have one of each. Congratulations!
Yay. it is a ‘grill’. Congrats to you all. Love the reveal party idea.
So excited for you guys! Congrats on a fabulous reveal party!
Yay for girls! We also found out that we’re having a little girl in July 2015! This is our first so I’m SUPER excited. Best of luck to you, hope we can both survive the Atlanta summer.
Congratulations on your sweet girl!!! So exciting!
How exciting! Congratulations! I never did a fun gender reveal and I’m so sad I didn’t. Maybe next time, if there is:) girls are great!
Aww big congrats. I know your little one will be a great big brother to his little sis. 🙂
Awww, congratulations!! What a cute way to reveal the gender! I bet the cashier had a lot of fun being in on that one!
Congratulations!!! What exciting news! I’m sure you will have a little girl just as adorable as Red.
Congrats! As a boy mom, I have to say having a girl has been awesome too. What a special time for your family!
Congratulations! So happy for you guys. She would surely be an awesome addition to your lovely family! Great video!
What a fun idea for a gender reveal! Congrats and I hope Red isn’t too disappointed, lol!
Such a fun way to do a reveal! Love it 🙂 And girls are so, so much fun! Stock up on those bows and headbands!
Thank you! And I have to learn how to buy little girl stuff now. I need some lessons to transfer to lace and bows land!