I reached out to you guys on facebook for some help! I came down with a wretched cold on Saturday night that lingered and lingered and was reaching into my brain and clogging me up. I couldn’t get any relief!
Hubs was doing all the work, the cooking, the cleaning and the Red-wrangling. I felt AWFUL. I think my mom in MO and friend Carly in IL had the same creeping crud. If you are reading this, and haven’t had a terrible cold with worse congestion, I hope you don’t get it – start washing your hands!
I’m proud to say that I tried Alex and Amie’s bourbon (in hot tea with plenty of honey), Barbara’s ‘Tussin (ah, the good ole TUSSIN!) and humidifiers, and even Tara’s neti pot idea. With a heavy dose of NyQuil, I’m feeling much better. I can breathe, and while I’m still far from normal, I declare myself on the upswing.
What are your best sick-remedies that I can use to keep the healing happening? Leave me a comment below – I need all the help I can get!
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