I’ve been after Red for a while to learn how to blow kisses. Nonna tried to teach him to do it with his hands, but he just wasn’t interested. I heard him smack his lips together in a sound experiment several months ago, and have been trying to get him to make it again!
When he finally did, I made it too, and we started imitating each other. Eventually I would make the noise and say “Blow a Kiss!” **smack**. Monkey saw, monkey did.
Success! I was reading Strega Nona by Tomie dePaola last night as our bedtime story, and a passage reads:
And Strega Nona called Big Anthony in for supper. But too bad for Big Anthony, because he didn’t see Strega Nona blow three kisses to the magic pasta pot.
And then Red started blowing kisses right there. At me, at the book, everywhere. I was so happy! The little man could do it all by himself – I can’t wait until we see Nonna next so we can blow her some kisses 🙂 Here is Red in action:
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