Last time I talked to ya’ll about this, we were here.
Yesterday, Red only used his diaper once.
Today, only twice. Otherwise, all the pee pee went in the potty. Dry for a 4 hour nap. Potty as soon as he woke up. EPIC WIN.
I figure I’ve saved at least 20 diapers this week if we’ve saved 3 a day. Now, the #2s are still not trainable, because Red doesn’t have the words to tell me he has to potty. It’s me and Hubs running him in there every 2-3 hours.
BUT, when we do take him in, we ask him to potty and HE DOES. Immediately. What the WHAT?! And I caught myself today, after his post-nap potty, thinking, My GOD, that’s a lot of pee. It took everything in my power not to go and measure it out. Eyeballing, nearly 3/4 cup.
TMI, I know. But, come on; I’m excited! It’s still a long road ahead, with many unseen pitfalls and dealing with the #2 issue at some point, but I’m stoked that Red’s only 18 months old and grasping the potty thing this well!
Krystyn says
That’s awesome. Our oldest started really early and I feel like it took forever for her to get it. Our second we started at 2 and did the three day thing. For the most part it worked! I hope Red keeps it up.
redheadbabymama says
Thanks! Fingers are crossed…