I’ve got some serious baby on the brain and honestly, I can’t help it. I hit 35 weeks this week, which means I’m really only 4 weeks or less away from delivering my Baby Girl (depending on what she has planned!). It’s all I can think about to finally get more comfortable, snuggle my new baby, and start my family’s new routine. Can you blame me? I’ve been trying to get my pregnancy pre-birth checklist in order before my due date, and now I’m starting to think about packing my hospital bag as well as Red’s in case he has to visit family unexpectedly before our surgery date.
Fortunately, I have a 4-day hospital stay under my belt from when Red was born, but things have changed in the last four years that are making me re-think some of my included items and adding some new ones (I also noticed there’s a lot of pink in my bag… between my favorite nursing pajamas and Little Girl’s coming home outfit, I really packed on the pink!). For instance, a lot of online hospital bag checklists include video cameras or things that our smartphone can really take care of now. It’s amazing what technology can do for us…. Of course, you need to take your own personal needs into consideration and make sure you have what you need. This list can always be added to or amended. Do you see your favorite item? What else would you add? (Affiliate links may be ahead!)
Delivery Hospital Bag Packing List
[ ] Insurance info, hospital forms and birth plan (if you have one)
[ ] Pairs of warm socks you don’t mind losing
[ ] A robe you don’t mind sacrificing to “the cause.”
[ ] Maternity/Nursing Bras. Bring 1-2, preferably with no underwire. Sleep bras are the easiest to work with. Nursing tanks also work for this – Target has some GREAT options.
[ ] Nursing pads (whether or not you plan to nurse, you’ll appreciate the leak-protection!)
[ ] Lanolin or other nipple balm. The hospital usually doesn’t provide this, and learning to breastfeed can leave you sore. Bring a small tube from home.
[ ] Chapstick or lip balm to combat the dry air.
[ ] Your preferred Toiletries and personal items. Some hospitals may supply small shampoo or conditioners, but that’s it! You’ll be happy you brought your own. If you want makeup for your newborn photos, be sure to pack that, too. Include: hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, contact lens supplies. **Grab travel sizes from the grocery store to make packing easier!**
[ ] Hair Supplies: Headband or ponytail holder. A hairdryer, perhaps?
[ ] Snacks!! Many hospitals only have one fast food joint or a vending machine. Stash some loose change or bring your own snacks! Food for your partner to enjoy after the birth will be important, too.
[ ] Cell phone and charger
[ ] Camera, battery or chargers. (Most people will opt to use their phones nowadays!)
[ ] Going-home clothes in six-month maternity size and flat shoes. If you’re having a C-section, a dress or high rise pants will be the most comfortable.
[ ] An extra duffle bag. You’ll want something soft and roomy to stash all of the hospital freebies and treasures from visitors!
[ ] Partner’s Hospital Bag Packing List: Include changes of clothes, PJs and toiletries for your partner. (Make them pack their own!) Remind them that in the event of an emergency C-section you might be there for more than the requisite 2 days (Usually recovery for these is 4 days).
You might want:
[ ] Your own pillow. (With a case distinguishable from hospital white)
[ ] A few pairs of maternity underwear. Keep in mind: you’ll be having the “biggest period” of your life, so they may get ruined! The mesh underwear the hospital has I loved, but many people don’t like them.
[ ] Nursing PJs that are decent for visitors but also comfortable.
[ ] Slippers or flip-flops for easy slip on to roam the halls and keep your feet toasty in the maternity room.
[ ] Very light reading: Either your nook, kindle or some easy read magazines. Pick up your trashy favorites with the crosswords!
[ ] A focus point (framed photo, meaningful item) for labor
[ ] Your choice of music! MP3 players have gone the way of the Walkman, but apps like Spotify, Songza and even your iTunes can be a way to get some soothing music for your hospital stay. Bring your headphones.
[ ] Some nurse gifts! If you’re going in for a vaginal delivery, you may have 1-3 labor nurses at at least 2-3 maternity ward nurses. Small gifts are always nice to have on hand, like candy, small giftcards, etc for the day AND night shifts. These people will help you immensely!
[ ] Sibling gift; A new book, a new shirt or something to commemorate the occasion of becoming a big sister/brother is something I want to do for Red. It doesn’t necessarily have to be “from the baby” but something from Mom or Dad will be treasured!
What to Bring For Baby:
[ ] A coming home outfit for baby
[ ] Approved Car Seat (you’ll most likely bring the actual seat into the hospital for discharge and to make sure it’s a good fit!)
thank you!! I’m due with my first in July and I really like to plan so this was helpful
You are so welcome! I’m due the beginning of July as well, though I had my 36 week appt this morning, and I’m already starting to progress! Good luck to you!
I can’t wait to meet the little princess! I’m so excited for you.
It’s been a while for me, but I remember bringing a lot of stuff that I didn’t need LOL.
These are definitely some good ideas to prepare beforehand. It’s too hard to think of all these thing s after you’re already in the hospital.
That is aing with my great list. I remember packing and thinking I would be back in my prepregnancy clothing with my 1st. That soooo did not happen.
This is great, I remember searching online for ideas on how to be ready for delivery! I never ended up packing a bag though and ran out quick. Hopefully this helps someone else be prepared!
It has been quite awhile since I packed a hospital bag for delivery but it seems that not much has changed. I could not have survived without my Boppy and love the idea of small nurse gifts!
I took a robe and slippers (rather than socks.) I don’t know why I chose slippers, but I came across the pair I had back then just the other day. They’re way too big since my feet were so swollen. 🙂 I’m so excited for you!!
Thank you for the tips! It can be stressful packing and hoping you have everything you are going to need.
I love the list you’ve made and the cute outfit you have packed. I brought one small bag to the hospital, but left with several.
Great list for anybody having a baby. I remember having my bag packed weeks in advance but I am sure I forgot something, LOL. Good luck with your delivery.
Some great tips and packing ideas. I didn’t bring much with me when I went to deliver but I knew the twins would not come home with me since they went to NICU. I had the basics though.
I also had a meticulously planned hospital bag! I also had a completely separate bag for snacks because the hospital food was barely edible!
I always way over packed. Until my last baby and then I just packed a small bit for myself and a bit for baby. If I ever did it again I’ll be doing home birth to avoid the whole thing. This is a great list!
Wow, you really have it all covered! I like the idea of going home in a dress. I was stupid and packed jeans and those were not comfy to wear home after giving birth!
What a great list. For my first delivery I didn’t realize that you wouldn’t immediately fit into “regular” clothes again. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t wear my jeans, lol.
I packed all kinds of stuff for my first baby and didn’t use most of it. I packed much lighter with my second baby.
Probably a good idea to have a hospital bag ready. You don’t get to choose when the baby is going to come. That’s a good list you have.
Best wishes on the imminent birth! Remember Anne makes a great middle name. 😉
I just made my hospital bag list the other day! What a great list!
That’s a great list. I also made a felt name banner for the bassinet. Totally not required but it made for cute photos.
Great list, and congratulations!! I agree with you, I actually liked the mesh undies right after, but I can see why some don’t.
Aww, can’t wait to see pictures of your little princess. I remember packing my bag and then re-packing it daily to make sure I had what I needed before I had my son. For my second, I left it up to The Hubs to bring me what I needed!
Oh my, it is almost time. Best wishes for a safe delivery. I can ‘t wait t see pictures of your new baby
Its almost time for you!! My best friend just had her newborn last Thursday!
I’m so ready 😉 congrats on your friend’s new bundle!
I won’t be needing this, as I don’t plan to have anymore children but this list would come in handy for those who are expecting.
Very good list. Don’t have anyone in need at the moment, but I will remember this.