Pins have always been special to me. I got my first Disney pin when I was 7 or 8, on our trip to Walt Disney World. It was an Ariel pin! After that, each destination I went to, each Hard Rock Cafe, or trip to Walt Disney World, I snagged a trading pin. My collection grew slowly, adding only one or two a year. My Mom also started adding to the collection, and soon we had an entire jean jacket FULL of pins. It weighs about 12 pounds now! Recently, I started trading pins in the Walt Disney World parks (in the last 6 years). I had some that I wasn’t that fond of, and knew of others I just had to have. Pin have been at the parks ever since I can remember, but it wasn’t until 1999 that Pin Trading was introduced in Florida, so I’m not that far behind! 🙂
But since my collection is overflowing my jewelry box and piling up in the corner, I need another solution! I really enjoy my pins, so looking at them as an art compilation was something I wanted, too. I settled on making a Disney trading pin display board so that I could wear them occasionally and take them all to the parks. First, I bought a cheap bulletin board from the craft store and used my favorite frog tape to tape off the frame.
I had some red acrylic craft paint in the basement, and while I KNOW I should have deglossed the frame without sanding, I got impatient and painted it right away. This is leaded to some chipping, so either degloss or sand your frame down a bit. Depending on the opacity of the paint, you’ll need a couple of coats.
I wanted a “Minnie” theme to my Disney trading pin display board, so I grabbed a white Sharpie paint pen on the way out of the store. I figured I could “draw” the dots right on the board and save a step of working with wet paint. However, I think the pens would have worked better on a clean surface, because the paint pen picked up the red paint and refused to dispense…. lesson learned. I would have had more success dipping a new pencil eraser in white paint and dotting the frame.
Either way, the frame looks a little shabby chic and very sweet. The coloring doesn’t impede the use of the board, of course, and if I want a change of pace, I can always degloss and paint to feature another character or maybe a few at a time. I hung the board in my closet and featured a sneak peek on my Instagram. To my surprise, I had a few trading requests right then! I had previously only traded pins in the parks, so this was a new experience.
Red started collecting pin earlier this year, and while he doesn’t have enough for a board, I did bring home a lanyard from the 2016 Princess Half for him. I gave him a few pins to trade from my collection and traded for a special one I knew he’d love. During our Disney playdate party this year, I wanted to capture my love for pin trading and taught all the kids how to do it. I gave them each a real trading pin and let them loose on one another. It was a lot of fun to share one of my passions, and now I can trade for more pins to fill up my board.
That’s such a cute craft! This is the perfect way for Pin collectors to show off their collections.
Oh what a great idea! We’ve never been to any Disney nor have any pins but I’ve heard quite a bit about them and think this is a fabulous idea!
Disney trading pins are such a cool souvenir. My daughter’s friend collects them and has so many cool ones.
What a cool idea! When we were in high school, my sister and I collected pins. I stopped when I was in college.
This is such a great idea! We are a big Disney family and I really should do this with our pins!
Oh I LOVE this!!! We were pass holders for a long time and my girls have so many pins but they’re just on the lanyard, would love something like this!!
My kids are the worst pin traders. They don’t think about the value or the uniqueness of the pins they are giving away. Just make swaps with whomever/whenever. A cast member looked up at me last time to seek my permission. Like “Really? They want to trade THAT for THIS?” Maybe having a cute display will cut back on their giving them away!
OH that is really cool, I love the idea of a Disney pin trading board! I bet many kids would get a kick out of making this, and adults too!
I don’t and don’t know anyone that does, but love how you chose to display your pins! So cute and creative!
What an amazing way to display your collection. It will be so fun to look back on the memories of each pin.
This is such an awesome idea and even if you don’t collect pins you can use the board for something else, like reminders and notes or important letters! Love how easy it is to make, thanks for the tutorial!
That is really cute, good idea! I don’t have much pins but i can use the board for something else!
This is a great way to display your Disney pins. My friend collects them. I will have to share this with her.
What a cool idea, I bet my nieces would love these for sure. and she can put her papers on the board
How adorable is this idea?! I love it! I used to collect pins when I was younger as well.
We had so much fun doing the whole pin trading things years ago when we visited Disney! It would definitely be a big hit for us again if we were closer to one of the parks!!
Your display board is so pretty! I think this is an amazing and fun idea. I also think it’s great that you are sharing something you love with your children.
I know so many people who collect them. I think it’s such a fun idea.
Wow, I wish I have those pins too. I really want to go to Disney and I hope I’ll get there soon.
That is so cute Lindsey! I love Disney movies, but have never been to Disneyland. When I think about traveling, I think about going someplace outside of the US!
My nieces just started trading and I think they would love to make a display board like this. I think we will make one this weekend.