No, I’m not doing Physical Training, or therapy. We are potty training this week.
I’m nervous, slightly grossed out, yet very ready.
This means no more diapers, and there’s no going back. I have unleashed all pee pee hell upon the family, and, well… here we go.
For the first day (ever) in big boy pants, Red did pretty well. There were accidents, most of which ended up with half the pee going in the potty. A few times were brilliant successes on their own. Nap times was strangely short with a pee in the crib (he’s been going dry during naps for weeks).
Hubs and I shared potty watch, cleanup duties and laundry. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been, and was encouraging, since we went in with zero expectations for the first day.
Tomorrow will most likely be a nightmare. Why, you ask? Red poops once a day. BAM. done. And he usually hides while he does it (behind a chair, when no one is in the room with him). With all the staring Hubs and I did today, I’m positive Red is putting it off, desperate for a chance to go. But, part of our potty watch duty is to stare at him until we see a sign, and cram him on the potty.
If we completely fail through the night (read: no pull ups) then tomorrow is another day!
(Click here for day two!)
(Click here for day two!)
Hooray for potty training, and super-hooray for the three (ish) day method!! You will NOT be disappointed! And here’s to hoping for poop success tomorrow, too! 🙂
Yay for potty training. I let both of mines walk around the house naked and surprisingly only had about 5 accidents total from them both. Good luck
Good luck! My daughter was a secretive pooper too for the first couple weeks she was pottytrained, lol.
haha I hope we can handle it – he goes #2 so few times a day that it will be a challenge!
I’ll take it!