Okay, ya’ll know what a freak I am about eMeals. I’m always making an eMeals recipe for dinner, cooking for house guests and trying to get more meals into my family. We’ve been using the clean eating plan for at least 2 years, and low and behold, I got word from eMeals today about a new meal plan. 30 Minute Meals are now available for your family!
If you have never tried eMeals because you think haven’t got time to cook, you need to think again! With shorter recipes, fewer ingredients, fast-prep slow-cooker meals and super speedy twists on your old favorites, you’ll be making home cooked meals in a snap. eMeals created a 30-minute meal plan focused on providing nightly meals that can be made in a blink! As always, you can shop at any grocery store for seasonal items using your own coupons. Each of the meals takes 30 minutes or less of prep time, and depending on the season (Winter is Coming….. hee hee), this plan will often include a few EASY PREP slow-cooker meals a week. I’m usually AWFUL about slow-cooker meals because of the intense prep it takes, but I’m stoked to try these recipes.
Be sure to use the code SCHOOL for 20% off any meal plan! Now take a peek at the White Bacon Pizza below for a sampling of the new 30 minute meal plan and make your family’s tummies happy!
White Bacon Pizza
with Homestyle Tomato Soup
2 (10- or 14-oz) packages baked pizza crusts
(original or thin crust)
1 (2.5-oz) package real bacon pieces
2 medium tomatoes, thinly sliced
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
2 large eggs
½ cup milk
¼ teaspoon dried basil
Preheat oven to 425°F. Place each pizza crust on a pizza pan or large baking sheet. Divide bacon, tomatoes, and cheese between each crust. Whisk eggs, milk and basil; slowly drizzle over pizzas. Bake 20 minutes or until egg mixture is set.
Homestyle Tomato Soup:
2 (14½-oz) cans chicken broth
1 (28-oz) can crushed tomatoes
1 cup milk or heavy cream
1 teaspoon dried basil
½ cup sour cream
Combine broth and tomatoes in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a simmer; stir in milk and basil. Reduce heat to medium-low, and cook until thoroughly heated. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Top each serving with a spoonful of sour cream.
Lindsey Paris says
Yum! Those sound super tasty!
Lindsey Paris says
Love all the selfies and yay on your little one getting potty trained! I rarely take selfies, I tend to always be behind that camera!
Lindsey Paris says
Looks like everyone had a great time! I love all the selfies!! I love taking selfies with my son he is such a little ham!
Lindsey Paris says
Selfies are fun. I always think you have the best big, beautiful smile!!
Lindsey Paris says
It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! That’s so great that your son is doing so well on the potty!
Lindsey Paris says
What a fun weekend. It’s great that you were able to document it with all those selfies.
Lindsey Paris says
You have such a beautiful smile. I love taking selfies or “us”ies with my daughters. They still love it, my boys just roll their eyes.
Lindsey Paris says
I love all those selfies you took. You’re family is adorable.
Lindsey Paris says
She really does have a great smile. Yeah, my nephew wouldn’t do these willingly.
Lindsey Paris says
Such cute pictures. Looks like a fun weekend (full of selfies) was had. I need to get on the ball with potty training my daughter! Glad Red is getting the hang of it.
Lindsey Paris says
Such cute selfies. I haven’t taken any selfies in quite a while. But now I have the selfie song in my head.
Lindsey Paris says
These are all very cute selfies. Even before there was the ‘selfie’ on the cell phone, i was always taking pictures of myself that way with my digital camera. It looks like you had a lovely weekend! 🙂
Lindsey Paris says
These selfies are so cute! I love this post…makes me want to go take some selfies on my iPhone right now!
Lindsey Paris says
Sounds like Red is about ready to rid himself of diapers for good! Super cute selfies too 🙂
Lindsey Paris says
Love these selfies! I love taking selfies as well. 🙂
Lindsey Paris says
Congratulations, he is a big boy now! Such cute little milestones for the kids!
Lindsey Paris says
I love a selfie kind of weekend! Such fun photos!
Lindsey Paris says
Y’all are just TOO cute. My toddler also loves to take selfies whenever he can!
Lindsey Paris says
How fun! Looks like you had a really great weekend.
Lindsey Paris says
Selfies are the bomb.com. Great weekend recap! You got to do it all!
Lindsey Paris says
Ok Lindsey… be honest! EVERY weekend is a selfie weekend! Scratch that- every DAY is selfie day:)
Lindsey Paris says
When I didn’t think I could love eMeals more… they up their game!