Oh, my coffee. How I shunned you for so many years. It took some coaxing, that’s for sure. It took gallons of milk and cups of sugar for me to love you. Slowly, I weaned myself in. Because coffee, y’all. COFFEE. I am now among the coffee lovers. The must-have morning-goers. I get it.
And because my love for the java is on the rise, I’m trying out a bunch of new things (yay, me!). Like flavors, roasts and even new coffeemakers. I’ve been jiving with my Keurig for a long time, but Ninja asked to send me their newest coffee bar to try, and I spent a long time with it. A loooooooong time. I was a little afraid of it, at first, because it came with so many pieces. A carafe, a foamer, double ended scoops, filters and a fancy timing feature. I didn’t know what to do with it. For the first time in forever, I actually had to read the directions for an appliance. Not the quick start guide… the actual MANUAL.
I brewed coffee grounds of three types in this bad boy for about two months before I became a pro at using it, and understood everything this swiss army coffee machine could do. For instance, if you neeeeed your coffee at a certain time each morning, select the timing feature, the roasting style and voila, your coffee will brew and stay warm until you arrive at the carafe, mug in hand.
The drip stop, for us needy people, allows the half or full carafe style brewing to continue while you sneak a quick cup. Because you can’t wait to start sipping! This feature, I liked a lot.
The Ninja coffee bar also allows a one-cup serve, if you only prefer one morning cup. There’s a swing down pedestal when you remove the carafe, but it’s really easy to be holding your baby and almost knock it off, sending the chunky china to the floor. It’s an 8oz brew, which is a bit small for me, but there’s a travel mug size available, too.
Ninja Coffee Bar Pros:
- Fast brew
- Great for those who love a fresh roast
- Different size options
- Warming plate
- Timed brewing
- Drip stop
Ninja Coffee Bar Cons:
- Smaller dispensing
- Single Serve mode almost isn’t worth it
- Still need to descale tank – and refill for each carafe
- Lots of parts and specific directions for each brew size
So if you’re a pro at making your regular morning coffee, how about treating yourself to something a little more special while also saving some cash? There are easy ways to enhance your coffee at home!
If all you need is a change of scenery, you can snag this glitter coffee printable I made for National Coffee Day
Or try your hand at a Harry Potter Butterbeer at home with Caramel, Toffee and Cinnamon syrups! Use the two mentioned recipes below and snag some toffee nut syrup here!

Interesting. Butterbeer is butterscotch flavored, so I am wondering how that recipe compares 🙂
That thing looks fantastic! I need a new coffee maker, and this thing looks like a great replacement.
My son in law got one of these for Christmas. He really likes it! He uses it daily.
I’ve never been a coffee fan either, but I never tried doctoring it with milk or sugar. Maybe I need to start with something flavored?
I think that would intimidate me at first too. I have had my eye on the Ninja coffee bar though. I would love to save money by making coffee drinks at home.
As a huge coffee lover I have been wanting to the Ninja Coffee Bar since first seeing the infomercial with Sofia Vergara. I love the idea of making fancier drinks at home to save money too!
The drip stop would be a feature that I like too. I am a morning coffee girl. Mmm, coffee!!
Now this is a sweet machine. I really like the drip stop feature. That really makes it easy to get out the door on time.
I’ve heard a lot about this coffee maker but not an actual review. Thanks for your balanced feedback.
I have slowly been drinking more and more coffee. I am not a daily drinker but I do like it sometimes. This coffee maker sounds interesting. I like Ninja products so I’m sure this is great.
This would be perfect for me, I’m a coffee lover. I totally love this idea.
That thing looks awesome!! Now that I drink a cup of coffee first thing every morning I have found that I am a much better mom! 🙂 Well at least a much nicer mom 😉
My husband and father are big coffee drinkers and just love a strong dark french roast.
My dad did hear of the NINJA brand models of dispensers before and they look well made.
I have been drooling over this ever since the ads began showing up over the holidays. I really want to get one for my kitchen to feed my coffee obsession!
Oh wow it does look intimidating! Gosh I hate reading directions.. I fear I’d never figure it out. LOL
I love to make my own coffee drinks. Your sysrup sounds very tasty…I will give that a try.
I have been so curious about the Ninja coffee maker! It looks so complicated and interesting, which HAS to make for a great cup of coffee!
I don’t drink much coffee, but this sounds like the perfect coffee maker for those who do!
This looks awesome, especially the drip stop, that is right up my alley!