Do you like my new look? The BLOG’S new look, that is!
I had a little visit with Sarah from The Ugly Duckling House (ya’ll already know how much I adore her – visit her site to see her awesome house in progress) and she kindly endured my whining pleading infantile understanding of coding and helped the site get a new look!
Being a costume designer, I knew what I wanted, and how I wanted to place items, but NO idea of how to tell the computer such. Enter Sarah. She waved her magic over the site, and voila, new papers, new fonts, and check out the new little subscribe buttons at the top right! Are those cool OR WHAT?!
I am so excited with the new look, I’m still doing the happy dance. If you’re one of my email subscribers, or read from Google Blogger/Reader, head on over to the site and check out our handiwork! It looks soooooo good. A gargantuan Thank You to Sarah for all her help, both in person and from afar. YOU ROCK! What do you think of the new look?
End gush.
On another note, I’m contemplating a blog hop/link up based on one of my blog categories – would you participate if you felt more involved? I’ll detail it out soon!
lookin’ good mama! 😉
Love the new look!