Happy May 6th! Did you know that it’s National Beverage Day? It’s true! I’m going to be on CBS Better Mornings Atlanta (again with the TV appearances?) sharing some of these fabulous recipes on air for you to copy, share and drink up today! You likely have most of these ingredients in your pantry, so grab your family and share a Root Beer Float, a Watermelon Strawberry Lemonade, or my favorite, a bubbly Sparkling Spritzer with Fruit20 and raspberries!
Watermelon-Strawberry Lemonade
• 2 cups cubed watermelon
• 1/2 cup fresh strawberries, halved and stems removed
• 1/2 cup water (or if you want it fizzy, try Sprite!)
• 1/4 cup lemon juice
• Sugar to taste
Directions: Make sure there are no seeds left in your watermelon and toss it into a blender. I recommend trying to find seedless watermelon. Liquefy the watermelon and add strawberries and water. Process until smooth. Start with 1/2 cup lemon juice and add more to taste. I ended up with about 3/4 cup. Add sugar to taste.
Sparkling Spritzer
• 1 c. raspberry sparkling Fruit20
• Splash of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
• 6 raspberries
• Mint leaves for garnish
Directions: Place a 1 raspberry in each cube of an ice cube tray filling the cube with water and place it in the freezer overnight (Or you can just freeze the raspberries and use them as the cubes!). After ice cubes are fully frozen, pour sparking water, and splash of grapefruit juice into a glass. Using a spoon, mix the beverage. Next, place the ice cubs in the glass and garnish with mint. Enjoy!
Peach Iced Tea
• 4 cups of water
• 3 small bags black tea
• 4 ripe peaches, peeled and sliced
• 1 1/2 cup of cold water
• 4 tbsp organic agave nectar
• 1.5 cups of Sugar
• Mint to garnish
• Mint to garnish
Directions: Place sugar in a pot with 3 cups cold water. Bring water to a boil in a pot, then turn off heat. Add tea and steep for 3 to 5 minutes, be careful not to over-steep your tea or it will become bitter. Remove teabags and allow to cool. Place the peaches and the remaining 1 1/2 cup water in a blender and puree until smooth, strain it and discard the pulp. Combine the cool tea, peach puree and agave nectar in to a pitcher. Serve with lots of ice and garnish with mint.
Vanilla Bean Rootbeer Float
• 2 Scoops Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
• 1 (12-ounce cans) rootbeer
• Chocolate sprinkles
Directions: Scoop vanilla ice cream into glass. Pour root beer over the top slowly. Top off with chocolate sprinkles.
That is really family friendly. Thank you for sharing. I think I am going to try it as well
They all sound good. I love the idea of adding jimmies to the Vanilla Bean Rootbeer Float!!
The Vanilla Bean Rootbear Float sounds like it would be a good after school treat today! It’s HOT as heck here and anything refreshing would sure help.
That’s got all the right flavors for summer. The one you pictured is pretty too. 🙂
I’ll take the peach iced tea and Hubs will work on the root beer float. The kids can figure it out. 😉
Oh my gosh, watermelon/strawberry lemonade sounds like the best drink EVER. I think all my kids would like it too!
I am the only one in my family that appreciates a root beer float… sigh.. but these drinks look awesome and congrats.
We love rootbeer floats
I am not suddenly in the mood
These look great on the blog- but even better on the TV! M, Peanut and I all watched your appearance this AM! The root beer float was beautiful! I am gonna have to make one soon! Also- I love knowing someone famous 😉