Hubs and I chose to do a baby moon, but it a little less conventionally: we took it BEFORE we started trying for Red. We wanted to enjoy roller-coaster rides at Walt Disney World, drink our fill of strawberry daiquiris in the tropics, and not have to worry about morning sickness, or the paralyzing large belly of later pregnancy.
We took a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas with Royal Caribbean and had SO MUCH FUN. We got on little buses and swam with the sting rays,
made fools of ourselves in Bahamian giant cutouts,
and even found a Senor Frog’s to have silly fun one afternoon. These signs cracked me up, and I couldn’t resist!
I’m not sure where the Disney photos are – I think Hubs stole them and put them on his computer 🙂 But needless to say, my husband and I were able to enjoy a week to ourselves and remember just how much we love each other 🙂 I’m hoping for another cruise to celebrate the 5 years!
Did you take a baby moon? Before, during or after the baby bump?
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