Being an older sibling is great and all, but as a little kid, it can be pretty hard. You’ve been used to being the only kid. Full attention from both Mama and Daddy; no one to compete with. All the toys are yours. All the playdates and carpools are for you. Sharing the spotlight with your new baby sister is some rough going. That’s why I make sure Red gets some one on one time with each of us, even if it’s only once in a while. It helps him refocus and lets him know that he’s still my favorite boy.
Hasbro hosted a huge playdate in Atlanta last weekend, mostly to celebrate Play-doh’s 60th birthday. I had no idea it was that old, but knew it was a treasured classic. I, myself, had a few Playdoh toys like the Crazy Cuts hair salon and the fast food set you can’t even find anymore! There were foamy play mats set up with toys stations for Playskool and Hasbro’s best toys like Playdoh, Mr. Potato Head, Playskool Heroes and even the new Elmo toys!
Red has his choice of play for over two hours and I was elated to play with him. He chose the Star Wars play sets for the bulk of the afternoon, finding his heart in a snowspeeder and nearly every Star Wars Hero and Villain in the set (Ezra and Kylo Ren included!). I find myself now looking in stores for my favorites like the droids and the awesome Milennium Falcon. Can you see the sheer joy on his face?!
The afternoon was the perfect date for my and my little guy. Lots of silly photos, playtime, snack and the chance to sit down at home to tell Daddy all about the things we saw at the Hasbro playdate. What Scarlett might like to play with, how cool the Playskool figures were, what the Playdoh felt like squishing out of the AT-AT’s cannons! As Scarlett grows up, I’ll try to make sure she gets the same one on one time that Red is getting now (or that he had for the first four years of his life) as well as the time to play together. I’m thankful to Hasbro for the chance to play and remember what it was like to be a kid!
It was a ton of fun playing with the new and old toys. My girls had a blast! They were even more excited when they learned we could take some home with us!
That was a huge surprise! We moved so slowly to gather something we almost missed out!
This play date was a ton of fun. Tell Red thanks for teaching me about the Galactic Heoreos Star Wars sets!
Haha, even if you didn’t want to hear about them… 😉
I try to make time for them in our schedules. We go off and do things–just the two of us. Sometimes I will do things at home too.