I usually loathe Mondays, but not for the same reason that most other people do. Monday is meal planning day, grocery shopping day, and general recovering-from-the-weekend day. I need to assess what’s left in the pantry, what’s on sale at the store, and what meals are both healthy and convenient to our busy schedule. I also hate being asked “what’s for dinner.” I’m not really sure when that peeve was born, but I ended up making a menu board so Chase wouldn’t ask me what was for dinner FIVE TIMES A DAY. Seriously – the day he asked me three times in one hour was the day I went out to buy materials for that project, and it’s still hanging on the wall in the new house.
Thank you to Hello Fresh for sending me a complimentary family size box to review!
A day around that same time, I had a friend’s Facebook post pop up in my feed offering a few free Hello Fresh boxes to try out. Since the cost was $0, and there was no commitment, I had no problem saying yes and swiping one of the free codes. I didn’t really know what to expect, other than there were two meals in the box for us to make and try. When the giant cooler-encased package arrived, I was genuinely surprised. All the ingredients were not only included, but they were measured. Perfectly portioned, packaged meats, separated veggies, small containers of spices all packaged together for each meal. All I had to do was grab them and toss them into each recipe one at a time.
I can honestly tell you those were the most STRESS FREE meals I’ve ever made in my life. Less stress than scrambled eggs. Just over 30 minutes from the start of prep, I had a healthy, fresh, REAL meal plated on the table. Each of my two meals were really yummy, and I got to pick them from a handful of choices available that week. In season and ready to go. I immediately wanted to try another box!!
While there are a few plans to choose from: vegetarian, classic and family, there are even more customization options. The classic plan offers meal selection and is a good fit for adults, while the family plan offers child friendly options, which is important for me. There is an option to suspend your subscription at any time, but it can be a little tricky to understand exactly WHEN to suspend it before the next order arrives. I also wish each meal/plate was cheaper than the $9 average. Even with the two-adult box, I can shop my local store for a less expensive meal, so I consider Hello Fresh a very welcome, enjoyable splurge. If there’s a meal that you enjoy and want to make again, you keep the recipe cards with exact measurements of ingredients. Items are easy to obtain and duplicate!
Hello Fresh took all the stress of meal planning, grocery shopping and meal prep off the table (ha.. get it? TABLE?), and allowed me to actually enjoy dinner at home with my family. In fact, while we’re talking about it… if anyone wanted to get me that second box as a Mother’s Day gift, I wouldn’t be upset. In fact, let me pick the meals I want, let me cook the one I want, and then slave over the stove and mixing bowl to make me the second meal for dinner. 🙂 If you, too, want to try this awesome service for yourself, enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win a family box for yourself!
Lately I like a homemade burrito bowls. They are so yummy and filling.
Annnnnnnnnd now I’m hungry!
I love anything with kale in it lol
haha! Can you make kale chips? I need to try it that way.
This looks great! I love healthy meals with lots of veggies!
Mmmmm. Mostly greens, with lots of orange colors.
I love grilled steak with veggies on the side! yuuuuummmm
My favorite summer meal!
I love everything! My daycare mom actually uses this company.
Anything with Shellfish
oh yes, I am a seafood girl, all the way! Add asian inspiration and I’m drooling!
This is a great way to teach cooking with a teenager as well!
Oh wow, what a great angle! I never would have thought of that, but I LOVE IT.
I am a total sucker for pasta 🙂
My boys like meat. pork, beef…..and noodles. I’m loving quinoa.
We eat so much chicken…I am willing to try anything else. Looks fab!
Holy moly! Did you see the smoked black bean cakes?! I’m sold!
Mmmmm. Black beans. In everything!
We are a chicken loving family.
Remember that commercial? I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!
The kids like pasta. Hubs and I like fish and steak. 🙂
Mmm, sounds like my house!
My favorite meal is a chicken Parmesan. I really love anything Italian really.
We eat a lot of pasta, but my favorite is sushi!
A woman after my own heart!!
I looove chicken alfredo!
I love any and all shellfish dishes but a ribeye steak is a close second!