It’s about that time! Little girl is due any minute (or might be on her way NOW!) and I’m very happy to have guest poster Dr. Zeenobiyah McGowan here today to discuss how long you should wait between pregnancies to conceive and increase the size of your family. Chase and I chose to wait a few years between pregnancies, which allowed Red to become a little more self-sufficient, but of course it will always be a personal decision, and you should always consult your doctor. Dr Zeenobiyah McGowan Ph.D., is an expert on women’s health and helping couples conceive naturally. Dr McGowan is a mother of one beautiful girl. She founded Impact Humanity, a charity which helps under privileged children get the basic necessities like food and education in Kenya.
Are you eager to add new members to your family? It’s only natural to get “baby fever” when your little one starts sleeping through the night and sitting up on her own. She will be walking soon, and she will certainly need a playmate, right? The decision of when to have another child is a very personal one, but there are some things that all new moms should consider before they start trying to conceive again.
Philip Druce of the cycle-tracking website says, “Experts recommend that you wait eighteen months to two years between pregnancies in order to give your body time to heal and recover before getting pregnant again. If you have been pregnant recently, you will know that pregnancy can take a lot out of you. If at all possible, it is best to give your body the recommended amount of time or more between pregnancies.”
Age is a factor
Women are most fertile in their early 20s. If you are in your early 20s and considering back-to-back pregnancies, you may want to reconsider. Depending on how large of a family you are planning, you have some time. On the other hand, if you are in your early or late 30s and considering a pregnancy soon after giving birth, it may make more sense. A woman’s fertility begins to decline in her early 30s, and it is no secret that if you wait too long between pregnancies, you may have trouble conceiving. If this describes your situation, talk to your doctor about how long you should wait between pregnancies. He or she will consider your personal medical history and age in order to make a recommendation that is best for you. You do not want to find yourself in a situation where you waited too long.
Considering multiples
One thing most couples do not consider when thinking about when to have their next child is the possibility of multiples. If your first one or two pregnancies were single births, this does not exclude you from having multiples. Actually, a woman’s chance of having multiples increases with age. Other factors, such as family history and ethnicity, also come into play. If your life would be completely turned upside down by having multiples in your next pregnancy, it is probably better to space them out by a few years. Babies are expensive to begin with, and multiple babies mean that you have to multiply expenses. Not to mention the fact that you would also have to multiply diaper changes and breastfeeding. Just remember, it is a possibility! If it is one you cannot handle, you may not be ready to try to conceive again just yet.
Bottom line
The decision of when to have another child is a very personal one that will be different for every family because every family will have its own set of variables to consider. If you are considering pregnancies closer than 18 months apart, talk to your doctor. He or she may have specific recommendations based on your age, medical history or family plans.
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