I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Little Remedies. I received a product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
As a new mom of two (Oooh, that sounds so weird to say!), I spend a lot of time kissing boo-boos, rubbing tummies and giving out hugs. I want to do everything I can to make my kids feel better. Sunny summer weeks fading fast, and with the back to school season only a few weeks away, I know how quickly a sudden upset tummy can dampen all our excitement. Knowing just how to soothe a gassy baby is so important to getting a good night’s rest and having peace during the day!
Colic, gas, and hiccups. These symptoms and conditions can cause a parent a LOT of stress. Little Remedies® Gas Drops was something I used daily with Red to ease his stomach discomfort. He was such a stinker (pun totally intended!). What I liked most about the drops is they were easy to administer (a drop placed on a paci, or mixed with his “meal”) and there were no artificial colors or flavors. We tried Little Remedies® Gripe Water a few times to ease his tummy pain, as well, and I look forward to using it with Scarlett. She has had a little trouble getting her burps out, and MAN, does that girl have hiccups!! The video below shows how easily and gentle gripe water (a great solution to incessant hiccups) is on an infant’s tummy; something that’s important to me. A nearly seamless, gentle, alcohol and gluten-free remedy to a problem that causes me (as a parent) lots of distress!
Since the Little Remedies® products are made to help support the health of my babies, they make their products with the most natural ingredients possible without sacrificing effectiveness. I can tell you that they WORKED on Red, and I have no hesitation about using them with Scarlett. Like the company says, it’s everything they need, with nothing they don’t. Take a peek at these tips from registered dietician Bridget Swinney to keep your gassy little one happy and more comfortable. You also need to read my cough and cold guide for toddlers and babies since remedies can be so hard to choose from!
What are your tips to help soothe a gassy baby? Does your routine include gas drops or gripe water?
When I had my middle son gas drops were my life saver. That and laying baby on my arm and patting his back. For the first two weeks I was luck to get a hour sleep due to his tummy hurting. Thankfully we changed his milk and he stopped getting tummy aches.
When my son was an infant, getting him moving definitely helped a lot.
Even if I just put him in the carrier and walked him around our home, that seemed to work wonders for his gas.
I still have Little Remedies handy for the saline spray for stuffed noses.
I love these gas drops! My daughter has acid reflux, and therefore has terrible gas sometimes. These really help her a lot!
These gas drops completely helped me survive the newborn phase with my 1st kiddo. I could give her these drops and watch her face relax, it was amazing!!!!
My son was the same way!
Since my daughter was an infant we have used gripe water to soothe her tummy. We depended on it to get us through tough nights and it always worked. As she got older she would even ask for it if she wasn’t feel good. I never tried the gas drops but always had them in our medicine cabinet. We love little remedies they are a great company with wonderful products!
The Gas drops have actually made my little one much worse. We had to do the old cherry pit pillow and rice bag method to help her.
oooh I’m so sorry! My great aunt swears by her cherry pit bags for anything that ails her.