I’m totally into it. Because it works. When Red was working on his potty training, we were having bath time when he stood up suddenly, proclaiming, “PEE PEE!”. I swept him out of the tub, dripping, and onto the potty. And he went. #2 in the potty for the first time.
No, I don’t have pictures (and frankly, even if I did, I wouldn’t post them and gross you out). But it was really exciting, and we gave Red a very big prize. Birthday prizes have been doled out carefully over the past months so that Red can get acquainted with and enjoy each one of them to the fullest. The last one in the bag was this awesome grill toy, complete with hot dog, kabob and fixings. Needless to say, Red was extremely happy to receive it, and most certainly connected it with “poopy in the potty”. We have had some accidents in, near and around the potty, but nothing in since the first two times.
We have another prize hanging on the towel rack (who says we aren’t classy) waiting for another potty break…. let’s hope he can get there in time!
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