There comes a time in every adolescent wall’s life when it needs a fresh coat of paint. Sometimes the previous homeowner chose an awful matte finish where all dirt and liquids soak into the wall, forever staining and warping the paint color. Sometimes little grabby hands “paint” the wall with snacks or crayons, and sometimes you just plain lose change your mind.
In this case, our yellow walls finally got the boot. Other rooms in the house had such awful paint schemes that the yellow sponge painting was actually the BEST room in the house. (I know, that’s saying a LOT). I wanted something beige-y with at least a gold tone because I wanted the carpet to “match”. Before it was all over, I had painted 6 large swatches on nearly every surface in the house – and I couldn’t keep them straight.
I took a pencil and wrote the paint names on the swatch surfaces of 2 walls. Nice. Now I can see the names and know how they are affected in each light. It made my decision much easier!
By the way, I swatched a billion walls to see how the light (natural and fluorescent) affected the paint colors. Good thing I did, too – one of the paint swatches turned purple in natural light. wtf. Another one looked too much like Georgia clay, so finally I settled on Behr’s Common Buff… Not an exciting name, but a very pleasing, neutral color that will let me addchange accent colors in other places. Me Likey. It’s also light enough to brighten the house.
The painting process, however it sloooooooow going. Between the flu, Red, double tech weeks and house guests, I am so far behind I might as well leave the paint can out and see if the walls paint themselves. Anyone ever had any luck with that?! 😉
I helped! excited to see the final product… whenever it may be!
bit by bit I’m finding time to paint a wall…. sooooo much surface space!!
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