Mommy and Me Monday with my awesome Mom is nothing new, but this week I’m sharing something pretty freakin’ hilarious. When Mom was visiting this past few weeks to help stage the house for sale, she was facing an emergency root canal with a new dentist and was really freaked out about it. (She’s a self-proclaimed coward for dental work) With a heavy dose of the “good drugs,” she slipped into sleep and the procedure was incredibly successful. However, after the root canal, mom was so out of it, I knew I had to film the aftermath.
This video was taken in the parking lots of the medical offices, and for the love of God, I laughed so hard I was CRYING. Crying, I tell you. When Mom finally came to a completely lucid state, I showed her the videos, and she cried laughing, too. It’s better than “David After Dentist” in my book. Take a peek at the video, and start your day off with a huge laugh 🙂 Thanks, Mom, for letting me share this and being so freaking awesome. I love you!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? says
This video is hilarious! I pulled it up to show to the hubby, too!
Grant Goggans says
Holy anna, that’s funny. I possibly stopped breathing once.
Redhead Baby Mama says
haha, I’m glad it tickled your funny bone. I still get a kick out of it, weeks later!
Susan Honeycutt says
Oh, this makes me miss your mom sooooo much! I love her!! And she’s very brave (for having the procedure and letting you post this video)
Redhead Baby Mama says
Oh, once she saw the footage, she told me I HAD To post it… it’s too funny not to!
Chene Atkins- Whittington says
I can’t! This made my morning. I love how she still remembers to tell you to- use your manners #moms.
aimee fauci says
That is so funny! She is so pretty also and super cute! I remember waking up after a dose of sleepy meds and kept talking about McDonald’s and getting dressed with the curtain open… back in my younger days.
heather @ divas run for bling says
This made me laugh out loud. I am so glad that no one filmed me after I had my root canal 🙂
Stephanie of The TipToe Fairy says
That was hilarious! I have a similar video of my daughter after her wisdom teeth last year.
Deb says
This is exactly why we all love Donna!!
What a great sport she is!!
Hugs hugs hugs to you both!!
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