It’s been 6 weeks(ish) since Scarlett was born. I feel like we haven’t gotten out of the house too much, and aren’t doing anything news-worthy, but I suppose feeding and growing a baby counts for something, right? Red is loving Pre-K and comes home each afternoon with tons of stories and even more artwork that our fridge can handle. He and Chase have been attending the local hardware store’s building sessions, completing the 6-part Avengers series. Red is so proud of his creations and absolutely plays with the vehicles everyday. Check out that collection!
Scarlett has been growing by leaps and bounds, and as many photos as I’ve taken, I still can’t capture how fast time is going by. One Saturday morning, we were all in the kitchen, and as I looked down at Scarlett in my arms, she started grinning. I leapt to my phone as fast as I could, bringing up the camera and snapping a terrible, blurry un-framed shot of the most wonderful sight: her first smile. She looked like a jolly Jabba showing us her gums over and over, with joy in her eyes. Daddy’s been getting the most smiles and it’s so wonderful every time she breaks into one. I’m loving it!
This is what most of my day consists of: snuggles and more snuggles. I’ve had to start making myself lists of things to do because my brain hasn’t recovered from the forgetfulness of pregnancy or early parenthood. Will I ever get it back? Most likely not… so lists it is. If you knock on my door and see piles of post-its everywhere, you’re in the right spot. Just grab a sharpie and come on in.
Sharing this Mommy & Me Monday is so much fun. What are you up to this week?
What a smile! I love it! I really do need to come by and meet her soon. My mommy brain is still mush 19 months after kid number two. Barely keeping up with all the to-dos and schedules.
She’s adorable – enjoy.
I love her gummy new smile! I can’t wait until Morgan smiles. I know what you mean…we don’t get out much these days either. It’s SO hot and I feel like by the time we get somewhere she would rather be in her crib than in her car seat any longer. The building series sound like lots of fun. I love Red’s Avengers characters!
Aw, thanks!! Red plays with those darn vehicles EVERY DAY. I think its his ownership of making them, you know?
I haven’t see that Avengers building series…I want to build some.
That little smile is the sweetest! Love it.
And, I still haven’t recovered my brain. Lists everywhere! I don’t know if it ever comes back!
It just took me 4 weeks to remember where I put something and then magically, where it was just popped into my head!