If you ever read Peter Pan as a child, saw the stage play, or simply heard the story from family, you might remember the part when Wendy sews Peter’s shadow back on. She then tells him, “I’d like to give you a kiss!”. He misunderstands, holding his hand out. Wendy places a thimble in his hand, partly out of embarrassment. Peter is touched.
Red found a thimble in my sewing kit, and thought it was quite fine. When I stuck it on my finger, he thought it was even cooler. We took turns “wearing” the thimble and trading “kisses”. Very cute.
Have you acted out any part of a fairy tale lately?
Lindsey Paris says
Awe, so cute. I hope you have the book so you can read that part to him.
Lindsey Paris says
Lindsey Paris says
So very cute!
You know, I totally don’t remember that part of the movie, but it’s been AGES since I saw it.
Lindsey Paris says
It’s actually in the book. Disney glazes over it with an attempted kiss that Tinkerbelle interrupts!