Happy Christmas Eve! Last week Red’s school had a pajama day with a special Christmas snack and Christmas movie short. Everyone wore PJs to school, and so Mama and Daddy followed suit to drop him off that morning. Yes, we got up, changed PJs and went to school! And each of us had on onesies. You’re never too big for footie pajamas, right?! Red thought it was fun!
By the time we were inside, he was itching to start playing with his friends and couldn’t look at the camera!
Bella Rose says
This is adorable! I wonder if I can convince my husband to wear footie pajamas? (stopping by from Mommy and Me Monday)
redheadbabymama says
Thanks! 🙂 They are seriously comfy!
Katherine Gilbert says
This is too cute!! Looks like you all had a great time!!!
redheadbabymama says
Thank you! Everyone laughed at Hubs and me, but we had a great time!
Krystyn says
Oh my goodness…that’s hilarious! Y’all are way cooler than me.
(How hard is it to pee in those things?)
redheadbabymama says
You’ll laugh at me, but there’s a drop seat in the back…. 🙂