I cheated this week. Red spiked an unexplainable 103 fever on Saturday night that was not responding to medicine for hours. He was very sleepy from waking in the night and clingier than a koala bear today.
So, in order to get a little smile from Red, I had to hold him and sing a song, with the camera poised just right for his favorite verse to come along. SNAP! I got the shot, and we were both very happy, settling in to Toy Story 3 and cups of milk for the afternoon. We even stopped by McDonalds for a small fry to share because he didn’t feel well. Poor guy. At least you know what that means for me: more snuggles.
Red is so cute! My kids were all blond as children..I was a (fake) red head and thought it would be awesome if they had bright firey hair! I will be hosting a hop today at my site http://www.frugalfitfamily.com – stop by if you can!
Poor Red, he can’t catch a break. But, french fries sure help!
Oh no, I hope he feels better soon!
I hope he feels better soon I hate when they get sick.
thank you! He’s getting much better but now I’m down for the count!
me too!
Seriously. The winters are hard for him. Hopefully the weather will turn for good.
I hope he is feeling better. Poor little guy. Great picture though
The only plus to the Little Ever being sick is the added cuddles! Hope he is doing better