How Much is That Doggy in The Window? Woof, Woof!
And what a cute doggy it is. A bulldog, to be exact! 🙂 Red, Hubs and I went to the Trunk or Treat at the corner church, and I think Red enjoyed it. He was learning what it meant to trick or treat, but his real fun came crawling over all the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch! Hubs dressed up as Sonny Seiler, the bulldog handler, and I was a witch with my hat (not pictured) and tutu.
Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) says
What a cute little guy! Great pic!
Drama Queens Mum (Kimberly) says
Cute photo. Visiting from Mommy & Me Monday.
Leanne @ Life Happens When says
Oh my goodness! That is just too much cute!! Adorable! Happy Halloween!
redheadbabymama says
Thank you so much!
Krystyn says
He’s a pretty adorable little puppy!
redheadbabymama says
Thank you! 🙂 Hope you get this reply… I’m trying out Disqus for a minute!
Krystyn says
I did..I did:)