Scarlett will be THREE weeks old tomorrow. I have no idea where this time is going. Our family is spending most of it at home, enjoying each other before the school year starts up next week. Yes, in Atlanta we may get out of school in May to enjoy an early release, but that just means we start back sooner. As in next Monday! Red will be a Pre-K student… which also boggles my mind. I’m not sad that he’s going off to school, but I’m not ecstatic that he’s going, either. I’m proud of him and excited to see what he brings home everyday (I also happen to think that Pre-K and Kindergarten graduation is ridiculous, but that’s another ball of wax).
Our new normal is slowly settling in as Scarlett finds her feeding schedule, I balance heading back to the blog, and Chase picks up some new projects to begin the 3rd quarter of the year. I’m very proud to announce that I’ll be working with WSB Channel 2 in Atlanta as a part of their Parenting Influencer panel, bringing family segments to air and creating content on the web. I got to visit the station for a full backstage tour and peek into the big newsroom. I loved it, and Scarlett got to appear with me on the digital news set. Fun! I really look forward to sharing more with you and WSB, so let me know what you’re craving to see from the Atlanta news team.
Red is really loving his new baby sister. He’s very proud of her, inviting her to read stories at night, asking to give her kisses and even occasionally hold her on the couch with supervision. He’s extremely gentle with her and is getting more understanding that she needs Mama to take close care of her. I’m very proud of him for trying to adjust so well to the new dynamic. Every day is a little more of the new normal.
Lots of family have visited to see Scarlett, and we’ve even made a few visits out of the house to see friends and grandparents. We were hosted for the most fabulous breakfast at Granddaddy and Grandmartha’s house this weekend, and had lots of fun visiting. They even had a new golf cart to drive around the yard in!
And Daddy, over here? Totally in love with his new little girl. They had a little “conference” about tummy time and neck strength at “work.” Since we all work from home, I guess it’s “take your daughter to work day” every day!
What adjustments have you made in your household lately? Are they big ones, or small ones as you slowly shift into the fall season?
Linking to Mommy and Me Monday at Really Are You Serious?
I think this might be the first time I’ve seen her eyes open….and the blurriness, was that as the photographer was jumping to maybe make a sibling rescue? Either way, it’s super cute!
I haven’t been able to make it to WSB-TV, but I’m trying to schedule something with them soon!