Man, I am behind this week! I barely got my Mommy and Me post out, and here it’s Wednesday and I’m post about last weekend!
I had an amazing Mother’s Day thanks to my two three boys! (One must not forget the Doo). We celebrated on Saturday because Hubs had to work all day on Sunday. I’ve always been a believer that it doesn’t necessarily matter which day you celebrate on, only that you celebrate your holiday at all!
I woke up to blueberry muffins and chocolate milk ready to go – at NINE am in the morning. That’s 90 minutes later than usual, folks, and I loved every bit of it. I got wonderful flowers from Red and Hubs:
My favorite! Star Gazer Lilies and gorgeous purple and blue walking Irises. They are still blooming, and to add something extra, they came with chocolates (my precious….) and lavender bath salts. Good job, daddy! We all took naps that day (I can nap with the best of them), and Red woke up to a bad case of bed head, which is turning out to be a trend! Yikes!
Red and Daddy and Doo also gave me emerald jewelry for Red’s birth month: May! How GORGEOUS (photos to come)! They really spoiled me rotten, and I love them so so much! Thank you, boys!
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