Omigod, ya’ll. I did it. I signed up with Hubs for the 2014 RunDisney Princess Half Marathon (no, I haven’t run it yet). We’ve been running and jogging for over a year, steady 2-3.5 mile stints, a few times a week (of course, when it’s tech week, all bets are off). When I did the Dirty Girl last spring, I met a super nice lady that recommended the Princess Half for my first big race. So naturally, I started Pinteresting, collecting all sorts of outfit images and race recommendations. I certainly didn’t go overboard and begin planning. Oh wait, I did.
While I’m still deciding on an outfit, I know I’ll be racing as Ariel and Hubs will don a custom T-shirt I’m making him. 🙂 We will start distance training in August and September – intervals of walking and running for me. It makes a better time and doesn’t wear me slap out! Any recommendations on training Apps? I loved Couch25K but I’m not sure about the 13.1 to Pink app – let me know how you train for distance!
YAY! I can’t wait for this… soooo excited! Follow along for more updates on training and (of course) the costumes!
Good luck! I want to sign up for the 2015 Princess run (although I’ll be a wimp and opt for the 10K). And yes, outfit planning is what won me over to it! I can’t wait to see what you cook up!
You can do it! 🙂 I’ve got my top, but I still have to wrangle the other parts before I do a reveal – gotta go whole hog!