Cute the head bopping and the music…
MY SHARONA!. Actually, her name is Sharon, and I love her to pieces. One my best friends that I met at the age of 14, Sharon moved to California about 2 years ago. I miss her dearly. While Red keeps me tied to Georgia a little more than I’d like, Sharon gets to travel home at least once a year to visit her family when I horn in on family time and bribe her to my house with dinner.
I was so happy to see her. Red couldn’t get enough of her homemade pumpkin pie, and I hugged her neck until she about suffocated. oops...
After Red went to bed, she started to head about and I screamed, WAIT!!!!!, as she crossed the threshold. Because we forgot to take a picture; big no no. So Hubs snapped this one, and then after review said, “How did I just take a picture of your mothers?” Nice. But it’s true. Kinda looks like them. A lot.
Thank you for visiting Sharon – we miss you A LOT!!
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