Where should I start? I suppose, at the beginning. I shall call my little one Red, in honor of his blazing red hair. He was born with a little cul-de-sac of it, blazing like a fire engine in the hospital window light. My little Red was born on Cinco de Mayo of 2011, after a stubborn halt in the birth canal and an emergency C-section that nearly sent my mother and husband into a nervous fit.
After a blissful 4 day stay in the hospital, our new family headed home to enjoy learn about our new life. Having a baby was everything I always wanted, almost like any other mother, but so many things I didn’t expect. For instance, I didn’t expect that it would be so hard to pick out the minutiae that go along with every day life. I didn’t know what I was going to do when my instinct didn’t kick in and I had no one to turn to……
So far, I’ve managed to manufacture enough instinct to cover my (due to childbirth) very large rear end. Even with Red about to crawl off across the room. I started as a mother’s helper at the age of 12, graduated to babysitting, and eventually taught pre-school to darling, booger-filled, sweet 2-year olds. Now that’s where you can really see the human psyche develop!
So Red is now 8 months old. He has 2 teeth, rolls like a Lincoln-log across the floor, and relishes in his purees and LOVES his bottle. He smiles when you sing, loves a good story, and has decided that he likes green beans more than peas. Going against the old wives’ tale, Red’s red headed self has not yet shown its fiery side or it’s tendency to tantrum. But I’m sure that side is on it’s way.
So the essence of this blog is my attempt to review things that I love and hate, share my surprises and trials, and enjoy being a new mother. Here we go!
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