If ya’ll saw my big announcement about our growing family on Monday, you’ll know why I’ve been absent around these parts for the last few weeks. I’m fulfilling obligations with family, celebrating the holidays with gusto (and then LOTS of naps), and generally being too exhausted to do anything but take a shower. Be kind to me while I get rid of this ick and get into the nicer parts of pregnancy!
I’m happy to share with you our family New Year’s photo (going on our holiday cards), going out late on purpose to tell friends and extended family about our new bundle, and to show how big Red is getting!
As for New Year’s Eve plans, I’m happy to say that I don’t have any. Our friends were gracious enough to invite us out, but I can’t stay up past 10:30 on the best of nights. Instead, I’ll be happy to set an alarm for 11:58pm, toast with sparkling grape, share a kiss with my most wonderful husband, and fall right back asleep to my all-too vivid and strange pregnancy dreams. Make sure you have some champagne or a little cocktail for me!
What are your plans for tonight?
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