Yeee haw! We’re finally back! And man, what a vacation it was. Baby free (which was both a blessing and a curse) for 8 days and deep into the Virgin Islands and West Indies. We took the Freedom of the Seas (a Royal Caribbean cruise ship) from Cocoa Beach (home of I Dream of Jeannie!). The best part of the entire trip was the moment we turned our phones on Airplane mode, to cut off all cell and internet services while the ship roamed the seas. This is a HUGE thing for Hubs, since being internet connected is one of the biggest things for his casting job. Here’s a quick snapshot of us, right before the ship set out of the port.
Our balcony room was gorgeous, and you can be sure I had breakfast out there among the dolphins most mornings as the sun rose. (Seriously. Red wakes before the sun most mornings, so this sleep pattern was unbroken on vacation). It was beautiful every morning!
Tara, Chase’s partner at Feldstein Paris, sneakily bought decor for our room – it was so cute, and lasted well beyond the last day of our cruise. It made our room EASY to find in the corridors, too! Thanks, Tara!
How do we get around the ship? Why, our MULTIPASS! The ships call them SeaPasses, but if you’ve ever seen The 5th Element, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Multipass.
We had so much fun around the ship, not all of it catering to adults (because we’re big fat kids ourselves. For reals). We saw lots of Dreamworks characters, watched movies in the hot tub, ate ourselves and even visited the casino a few times. Hubs won $100 by betting black (all in one go…) on the Roulette table before the ship even left the crest of Florida. I ventured on my first casino game and won $12!! BIG MONEY, NO WHAMMY!
I loved the trip, Hubs and I are even closer than before (is that possible?!) and I had my share of champagne for 3 lifetimes, but we are super glad to be home. I missed that little man of mine. A lot. It seems like he’s grown since we’ve been gone, and he’s most certainly learned 1,000 new words. What a monkey man. We love him too much to be gone that long again, or at least for a little while. Have you gone on a long trip without your kids?
Fantastic pics!! Glad you had fun, You guys deserve it! Happy Anniversary..I dont remember spending that long away from my kids ….
Happy anniversary! Yay for vacation! Welcome home.
Thanks – we didn’t take nearly enough!! It was almost too long for us!
Thank you – we were missed, and we missed Red, too!
no kidding 😉 It was a nice little break, almost too long.
A shout out AND that pic of Chase on the bed… my day is made. Glad you guys had so much fun!!!!!
Happy Anniversary. What a fun way to celebrate your anni.
Thank you! It was awesome. We always said we’d do a cruise for our five year, and I can’t believe we made it happen!
LOL. I’m so glad I caught one! Thank YOU!