Memorial Day 2015 was packed with activities! We didn’t head into the weekend with very much planned, but the fun and food took over and we rolled with it! After all, our weekends as a family of three are numbered and we’re trying to make them special. First up, my sister-in-law and I redeemed our gift certificates to our cupcake decorating class, where we learned to make “toothpick flowers” and took a half-dozen decorated cupcakes home with us.
It was a lot of fun, and a great chance to catch up with my sister-in-law and learn something new. While it was labor intensive to create such a large ornament for a cupcake, it was seriously beautiful. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to create these for someone in the future!
Right after that I picked Red up from his last day of school, and he was very happy! We’re keeping him enrolled in a summer program just a few days a week; this is to try to keep a somewhat “normal” schedule through the season as Baby Girl is expected in about 6 weeks!
One playground trip later, chase ushered us all into the car and we drove to a new frozen custard place that I’ve been jonesing for. I first had frozen custard on one of our date nights last week, and it’s all I can think about eating. Sure, I should blame the pregnancy for it, but hey man, that stuff is GOOD. We all got our fill of frozen deliciousness with sprinkles on top (by request, of course!)
Sunday morning we jetted off to south of Atlanta to visit the Georgia Renaissance Festival. Only open for a few months a year (weekends only!!), it’s a great place to see circus-like entertainment, music, family friendly comedy, knight games, and grab yourself a turkey leg or steak on a stake. I personally wanted to eat ALL of the desserts, but a girl has to be choosy when it’s not a buffet ;). Red had a great time seeing all the animals and taking tons of photos – more on this fun-filled day coming up!
Our weekend was capped off by a great cookout with best friends and lots of trips down a water slide.
And naps. Lots of naps. Naps by everyone, 3 days in a row. Those of you who have children that no longer nap or are dropping naps KNOW HOW GLORIOUS THIS IS. All of the glorious. Which is why I had to document one of them with the super-grainy, forward camera on my phone. Because one day, he won’t want me to hold him anymore.
And, this morning, Red decided he “wanted to hold Baby Sister,” which melted me. I’d like to pretend that they are holding hands already and playing nice. A girl can only hope!
How did you spend your Memorial Day? Were you with your family? Did you make sure to remember our veterans that were lost at service, or those that have passed?
You guys get out of school early down there. We still have another month to go here.
It’s true! But we also go back within the first 8 days of August – I remember the North doesn’t go back until September! It’s already so hot down here, it feels like summer! 🙂
Looks like a wonderful way to spend the day! Glad you shared it with us and glad you were able to enjoy some fun times together. It was like 80 degrees today in NH. Like we skipped Spring and went to Summer.
Looks like you have a lot of fun things planned for the day! Happy Memorial Day!
Those cupcakes flowers are so cute! I would love to learn to do that. Me and Baking have never really been friends though. I will cook a 9 course meal but my guests know if they want dessert they better bring it! LOL
A blow up kiddie pool is just about the coolest thing I’ve seen. I had no idea they even made them.
What a fun family weekend! We picked up our new Kia Sorento on Saturday, which was a 3 hour trip each way. On Sunday, we had a relaxing cookout with family. Yesterday was very low-key, just running to the store for a few things then relaxing at home.
What a fun day full of family activities! He has a killer smile – you can tell he had a great time!
Wow looks like you had some great weather… up north we had a rainy weekend. Still raining today… so a bit jealous to see your outdoor fun!
Wow, looks like you had a lot of fun! I love the picture on the water slide.
Well you wore your little one out. You definitely had a busier weekend than me. It’s nice you got to do outdoor activities. It rain a lot in Texas!!
That renaissance festival does sound like a great time. That does sound perfect for the long weekend.
We celebrated Memorial Day at my Daughters. She cooked and I helped clean up. Her town has a huge yard sale on every Memorial Day weekend.
It looks like you guys had a wonderful time. Snuggles with the little ones are the best!
Your weekend looks beyond wonderful! I was lucky enough to be lazy and sneak a nap in too.
What an exciting time you all had. I know the picture of you and Red during his nap is going to be a forever treasure. How fantastic you had the opportunity to relax and enjoy some yummy food while the countdown to little girl gets nearer.
The nap picture is super super sweet! I hope he continues to take good naps when sister is here
Your son is getting so big! He has your smile
What a busy weekend! I’d say you earned those naps. And the cupcakes too 😉
Memorial Day is always a relaxing day filled with lots of memory making moments. I’m glad that you had a lot of that too. I love the pictures.
I enjoyed a lot of relaxation myself. I got a lot of catching up done with work and got to enjoy watching the kids play and have a good time together at the same time.
I love how your son held your baby girl. That is going to be an image you’ll treasure for a lifetime. Our kids still take naps because we like to enjoy “after midnight” unlimited Internet in our house. So, it’s a running thing for us. However, the kids are up late with us enjoying the ability to play online games and watch movies. (That’s NOT an everyday thing, but it’s something they look forward to a couple times a month.)
It looks like you guys stayed pretty busy over the weekend! Whew! I am tired just thinking about it all!
I love the napping picture and your son holding your belly! Adorbs I am counting down with you! I am in Atlanta with you so I am sure you heard about the Jazz Festival that is here every year…I did it twice 🙂
You definitely had a lot going on this Memorial Day! We had a nice, relaxing time at home.
Those glorious naps! I miss those days. I very rarely would nap with them, but I adored those sweet faces and the moments of peace throughout the house.
That slide is the best!!
Looks like a blast! So nice you got THREE naps in! Red is going to make a great big brother. How sweet he wanted to “hold” his little sis.
Looks like you had a great, full and Fun weekend! It wasn’t Memorial day here in Canada so just a normal weekend for us but this looks like such fun!
We went to the farmers market and strawberries at a great price. Enjoyed them yesterday. Now I want more!!
It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your family. I love the water slide the kids would love it.
Seriously, those long weekend naps are the best. I love drifting in and out sleep surrounded by love and snuggles.
I love all the picutures! Looks like everyone had fun! We got some work done around the house and played in the blown up kiddie pool for Saturday! Most of Monday was all rain here but we enjoyed some family time!
I love your weekend. It seems like you were busy, but relaxed (if there is such a thing!).
Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I always wanted to learn how to do cool decorations with frosting!
Your weekend sounds super fun and relaxing both! No stress but lots of family time!
What a fabulous weekend! We didn’t do much.. kinda sad.. but it was nice.