Red starts Mother’s Morning Out soon. For Hubs and I, it’s more like Parents need to work the mornings! a few days a week, until well after lunch, Red will head to a local church to play with other kids, learn to share, and be away from Mama and Daddy.
This will also give Mama a chance to learn to be without Red. She’s not good at that.
He’s already got his tote bag from the church, lunchbox, and even his first day of school outfit. But this weekend, we both got sick with colds. Hubs has escaped the boogers so far, and I think I got the worst of it.
Red is already feeling better today, with no fever and eating like a champ. I hope he continues to get better before Monday. For Petes Sake, I hope I get better, too. Being sick with a sick baby is not a fun thing.
Cross your fingers for us and send well thoughts!
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