For one, I didn’t even know you could go up INTO the arch – it’s so strangely shaped! But, there are actually mini pods that articulate through the arch and a SMALL viewing room at the tippy top. Dad took me all the way up when Red and I visited St. Louis!
I want to try that little green pouch for myself – good picks!
Now that is wicked cool. I had no idea you could go up into it, either. I always thought it was just one of those landmark structures that you could look at, but not actually go in.
Wow! I never knew you could go up into the arch either. How cool is that? St. Louis is on my must visit list and this is going on my to do in St. Louis list LOL
Oh my goodness! I would be super scared to see the arch from that high up! I guess my fear of heights would certainly be going crazy!
Great photos! Your posts always inspire me to invest in a good camera because your pictures are always amazing. That arch on the other hand, holy moly! I hate heights and I couldn’t imagine being on top of that sucker- yikes. I will live through your photos and stay safely planted on the ground 🙂
i didn’t know you could go into it’s such a beautiful landmark
I wanted to go into the arch last time I was in St. Louis. Oh well, maybe next time!
I went to Saint Louis last year and actually stayed in a hotel with a view of the arch! I wish I had more time to explore the city, because seeing it from my hotel window was as close as I got!
I went to St. Louis when I was in middle school but never got the chance to go into the arch because it was PACKED the day of our field. I would love to go up the next time I go to visit family in Indiana.
I never knew you could’ve up into the arch! I’ll be doing this the next times go to St. Louis!
I have never been to S. Louis, but when I do I’ll totally be going up in that arch.
Oh wow. It looks beautiful.
Wow, that looks so beautiful! I’ve only seen it from the highway
Holy cow! I had no idea you could go into the arch either! I want to make it to all the US states someday, the arch would be awesome to see.