Red started off his Easter festivities with a trip to see the Easter Bunny! And he really liked it. I was fighting the clock and a nap, but Red laughed and smiled the whole time. The Bunny was very nice to help Red with his first visit, and let him touch his glasses and furry face.
At home, it was time for eggs! Nonna got Red an “Eggosaurus” kit last year, and it was finally time to make it! Hubs loved dinosaurs as a kid, so we’re having a little fun with that!
Ugh. I can’t tell you how grossed out I am by hard boiled eggs and everything they touch. Once you peel the things, they smell like death put through a meat grinder and tooted out. Yes, it’s that bad. But, I toughed it out for the bebe. And those things aren’t getting eaten, so no peeling.
Lots of parts and pieces! 8 pre-cut dinos that I had to fold, 5 color tablets, dipper and stickers!
Red got a paper dinosaur to play with for himself, no eggs involved. The Triceratops was a hit. Bought me at least 25 minutes to continue cooking.
And they were really cute once we got the eggs in there, all sticker-ed up. A few of them even had little spikes for the backs, despite how scientifically incorrect they were. 🙂 But hey, we’re not going for correct, anyway.
I didn’t have an Easter plate to set them on, so they got tossed (gently!) on a UGA platter. I collect way more Xmas crap than anything else. Other holidays melt away in comparison to the Xmas Crap that I own!
Red, Hubs, Dooley and I hope you have a wonderful Easter or Passover with your family! Celebrate the beautiful spring and the new growth that comes with it!
And if you’re unfamiliar with Easter in general, or confused about why there are so many rabbits and eggs, check out the origins of Easter and how it was based on the Pagan Spring Equinox (and glazed with Jesus’ death by early Christians), not unlike Christmas was based on the Pagan Saturnalia/Winter Equinox (dosed with Jesus’ birth story)!
Easter can occur on any date between March 23rd and April 26th, and is related to the timing of the Spring Equinox. The actual date is set as the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs after the Spring Equinox (March 21st).
Saint Bede, a Christian Scholar, wrote in his book, De Ratione Temporum (the Reckoning of Time), that Easter was named after the Goddess Eastre, the mother goddess of the Saxon people. Her name was derived from the ancient work for spring, “eastre”.
Spring is a time of renewal and birth – hence the rabbits and eggs as symbols of “rebirth” and spring. The Pagan symbols of celebration have been given new meaning by Christianity.
Many, perhaps most, Pagan religions in the Mediterranean area had major seasonal days of religious celebration at the Equinox. Cybele, the fertility goddess, had a consort, Attis, who was believed to have been born of Virgin birth. Attis was believed (by the Pagans) to have died and been resurrected each year during the Equinox. Funny, no? By no means am I trying to ruin anyone’s holiday. It’s just that history is usually written by the victors, and more than one hand actually helped to craft it 🙂 Read for enjoyment, read for knowledge, and let your own spirit be your guide. |
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