The first pregnant and hormonal cry I ever had was when I was pregnant with Red. Chase and I had bunkered down on the couch, watching movies we owned in our stash, but hadn’t drug out in a while. My pick? Disney’s Tarzan. Just because. But man, oh man, as soon as the cheetah ate the baby monkey and Mama Gorilla went to save baby Tarzan, the floodwaters released. I was a sniffling, wet mess wrapped in a blanket. And my poor husband had to hold his wife as she cried over a Disney movie she’d already seen 100000001 times. He leaned over to me, “Um, baby… are you crying?” he asked, sensitively incredulous. Embarrassed at my emotional flood, I tried responding through a choked sob… “Nooooooooo…” But obviously, it had gotten the best of me.
This pregnancy has been very different from my first (I need to write it all down while it’s still fresh!), and while I haven’t had a sob-fest movie review, I have gotten plenty teary-eyed over gooey commercials, short films and those darn Pixar shorts that can glean more emotion from me in five minutes that as oscar-winning blockbuster. These three are what gave me the “feels” this week. Some funny, some gooey. Help yourself to the emotional buffet I lay before you!
This one a friend shared on her Facebook page, and it’s all about a parental bond that exists from moment one. Raise your hand if you know what your baby SMELLS like. And right back at you, your baby can smell you, which is why I’m now crying…(I’m really not a fan of Pandora jewelry at all, but this ad gives me the feels)
I’m thinking this will be Chase and I with TWO kids soon, and I have to start laughing now if I want to survive. I had to watch it twice to catch everything that happened while one parents “grabbed ice cream for everyone”:
Of course, this isn’t a new commercial (sometime last summer, maybe?), but as a pregnant lady who is all hormonal about her choices and getting ready to have the bun, my heart leaps into my throat at the end… because it’s all about our babies, and we’re in this together. (if it won’t load, you can watch it here:
I don’t think I cried over a movie until the 7th month of my 2nd pregnancy. We re visiting my parents and my husband, dad and I watched “The Perfect Storm”. I was a complete MESS at the end with the ugliest cry you’ve ever seen. My mom came in the living room and screamed at dad and the hubs for “LETTING” me watch the movie.
Now I can hardly get through a movie without tears. I cried at Men in Black 3 for goodness sake!
I totally agree…. the end of BOLT gets me every time. All weepy!
My hormones started to act super weird after the baby was born. I cried and cried over every stupid thing! I felt like I was a weirdo.
While I have not been pregnant yet, the hubby and I have had bouts of fertility drugs that sent my hormones into crazy town. I remember the hubby asking if this is what pregnancy would be like and I said probably 🙂
haha… at least early pregnancy, yes! It’s all a funny mess until it balances out.
I’m not even going to watch these videos because I KNOW they will make me cry. Pregnancy hormones are no joke. I was just telling my husband that EVERY stinkin commercial makes me cry… I even cried at a commercial about cats. I don’t even like cats.
So, I typically cry at the drop of a hat for anything sappy…unless I”m pregnant. It’s like everything reverses. I think I can count the times I cried on one hand for both pregnancies. Crazy! (By the way, here’s a new video that made me use my babies burp cloth to wipe my eyes today: #sorrynotsorry 🙂
oooh now I’m all weepy from that, too! 🙂