The weekend of the Hot Chocolate 15k, Hubs and I needed to run an additional 3 miles to keep up with our Princess Half training schedule. But, since we had to disband from the race, drive home, etc., we were unlikely to do that once we got home.
So, we decided that the next weekend, instead of running 3 miles, we’d stuff the 12.1 in there. And buddy, did we blow it. We failed to hydrate, we were still tired from the 15k, and no where near ready to extend our mileage beyond the recommended 10% increase per week. Hubs even expressed his concern on twitter moments before the run, which means he was serious about it. Not wanting to appear like a weenie, I didn’t complain. I toughed through it. We walked some (when I made him walk) and it was happy-go-lucky as we trotted downhill for over 3 miles. When we were forced to turn around at the Silver Comet trail because of icy roads, the lack of hydration kicked in at mile 5. Uphill we trudged into mile 7, and buddy, we were tired. My hip flexor started giving me extra irritation, as well as this kicky pain all down my left leg past my butt muscle. A strange strain that I still haven’t figured out.
By the time 9.5 miles passed, Hubs was really showing signs of exhaustion. HE suggested we walk, which is when I knew something was up. The last leg through our neighborhood was when our knees almost gave out. We only made it 10.5 miles, and were nearly dead on the doorstep. At home, Hubs felt sick and had to lay down even before he hit the showers.
Let’s face it, we’re going to have some bad runs despite the good ones. It’s those bad runs that make the other ones seem so fabulous. It’s a part of training! But when I noticed we had gone slower on this run, walked more, etc., my TWO runners knees, back strain and a bruised toenail that I got didn’t seem quite fair. What the heck happened?!?! How did it all go so badly? I think I’ve recovered, and I need to keep going. Dramatization of bruised toenail. No one really wants to see that stuff…..
The Princess Half Marathon is next week. I’m working on my costume, and I’m running 5-6 miles on Saturday, despite the icy roads that may remain here in Georgia. Pushing forward is a must. Mickey is calling, and I WILL cross that finish line before the balloon lady. I will.
WOW! Thank you for sharing. I’m in STL, think I could get a tour? Haha!
What a beautiful house! I love old homes, it’s just always been a style I could relate to for some reason.
Ooooh, I can not wait to see pictures of your costume!! I am still working up the courage to sign up for my first 5K. It’s on my list of things to do this year.
I’m with Robin, I can’t wait to see pictures of the costume. And despite one bad run, you’re still doing it. Good luck and I hope that toenail heals really soon!
It is beautiful, I remember living in an old home when I was growing up that had the push button switches. I would cringe to think how tall the pantry storage would be to reach top shelf items. Guess that’s why it’s called a butler’s pantry because you have to be a tall man to access the top shelf/ Great job and thanks for posting the pics.
I’m looking forward to seeing the pics of your costume. Remember to be safe and hydrate and wear the right shoes.
You can do it! I don’t think I could run anything just yet but I have improved by walk time! Can’t wait to see your costume!
Good luck with your half marathon! I’d love to run the Princess Half Marathon one of these days!
GOOOD LUCK! Never heard of this marathon, sounds fun. YOU CAN DO IT!
Wow your parents home looks fabulous!!! I really like homes like this because they have so much character and design! Thanks for sharing!
Oh my – you are inspiring. I’m not at the place yet where I could even do a 5K no less a 15K!! Good luck to you in the Princess one!
Wow! I can’t even imagine doing a 5k, let alone a 15k! Good luck to you!!
Oh, no! You can do it! At least you learned what not to do. Good luck!
Good luck – sounds like you are learning what to and what not to do.
Well I hope you are feeling better soon! I just signed up for the Foam Fest 5K in April. I need to get in gear and start practicing!
Good luck! RUNDisney events are so much fun! The excitement of the event and atmosphere will help you the day of pusj through those hard moments in the run!
So sorry for your injuries this week. I am wishing you the best of luck next week.
This sounds like such a fun race! I cant wait until I get back to running shape!!