We’re back to school!! Last year, Red was in half-day preschool, and he absolutely flourished. He ended the year knowing how to count to thirty, sight-reading several words and writing his name in basic uppercase letters. This fall, he’s headed to full-day Pre-K, and I’m so proud of him!
Now, he’s always liked school. It’s a chance to play, do new things and have his own time. But when I started coaching him up for his new school and a different experience, I was surprised how prepared he already was. “Okay, Mama. I want to go to a new big school. I go, and you stay at home.” Alrighty, then, I think you’re ready. In fact, he told Chase the very same when he dropped him off yesterday, bouncing into his new classroom with excitement. Make sure you start your year off right with my How To Make An Easy First Day of School Sign for your kids. It’s customizable!
First Day of Pre-K Sign
When we picked him up, the enthusiasm continued. When I asked him the routine question What did you learn at school today?, he answered with more fact, stories and tidbits than ever before. He read a story about the map of the earth, played with LEGOs (and described his creation in detail), told me he didn’t know his friend’s names yet, and that he colored a giraffe. Color me proud.
And I wasn’t weepy at all that he’s gone all day, or that he’s growing up. In fact, I look at going to school as a rite of passage, much like the first haircut. I’m not sad about it – I don’t put it off, I don’t cry about it, I share in his excitement. I think (and hope) I’ll be the same about it when he goes to college.
Scarlett and I are still at home, only 3.5 weeks since her birth, and while I still have about that much left in my recovery, I’m trying to sleep and eat. Doesn’t sound like much, but it takes up the whole day! This is also the reason there’s no Mommy & Me Monday this week. I have no idea where the week went, and I’ve been delinquent about taking pictures! 😉 As we plug through the morning, I’m eagerly awaiting Red’s arrival home from Day 2 of Pre-K, to ask him all about it and grin as I hear his answers. He’s growing up, and I love it!
What grades did your kids go off to this year?
That is awesome that he is so confident and happy going off to school! Mine is going into first grade this year and she is excited, but pretty nervous about having a new teacher and classmates.
So cute! So happy when seeing our kids grow up.