Yesterday, as I was snapping photos in the living room, Red crawled away from his toys, all the way across the room to something he wasn’t supposed to touch at all:
The wall outlets. …but the nightlight is soooo shiny, Mom!
Yes, it may be shiny, Red, but it’s still a no no in this game! His little activity prompted me to go ahead and dig out my box of socket plugs from his baby storage boxes.
From our registry at BabiesRUs, these have finally come in handy. They came in a pack of 36, costing less than $3.50, which has stretched a long way. I’m glad there were so many in the pack, because I have 8 uncovered outlets in the den alone, much less those that are covered by furniture.
The plugs have a rounded front, and equal-sized double prongs on the back. They are smooth to the touch, and fairly easy for adults to get out of the wall.
Pronged back |
Smooth front |
I think the smooth rounded front will keep Red from pulling these out for a little while, but everything becomes a toy eventually. Things I like about these plugs?
~They are very clear to allow the aesthetic of the room to show through, but thick enough to prevent little fingers from wandering.
~The prongs are both the same size, which allows quick insertion and removal without figuring which side is which.
~They are cheap!!
~Fairly sturdy
~Clear plastic material lets the wall/outlet not look strange
~36 count was plenty even for our outlet-plentiful room(s)
~I really don’t get the need for directions on the back. Really, BabiesRUs? I thought it was very simple.
~Red will eventually learn to pluck these from the wall
~I have to remove them when I want to vacuum – which happens a lot!
I fully expect Hubs and I to teach Red that outlets aren’t something to play with. They are to be respected for the electricity that they contain. But for now, they sure are a handy little way to help teach this lesson. All in all, I would buy these again because of the safety issue, even if it becomes unnecessary for us in the future. I read reviews on other types of outlet covers, and it seems that they too, have flaws. Even more. I’m happy with out choice. How did you or do you plan to tackle this safety issue?
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