When Kitty came to live with us, it was imperative that we figure out a solution for the laundry room that housed Dooley’s food center, as well as the laundry room alcove/closet that would house Kitty’s essentials. I strutted into Target and picked up 2 Munchkin Quick Install 26″- 42″ gates.
Our predicament was layered: The cat had to be able to get into both rooms, the dog into one room, and the baby into none of them. Both gates were pulled up off the floor enough to allow Kitty through, and the Doo asked to get into his room, or had free range when Red was asleep or not in the house.
When Red discovered he couldn’t get into the dog room to play in the water bowl (when Mama wasn’t looking) anymore, he was a bit upset. See: crocodile tears.
Both gates are exactly the same, so I’m sharing the perks of this one. This modern counterpart of the basic baby gate has an easy and quick install, just as it advertises. The lift bar is set to your preferred distance, and WILL NOT adjust back and forth unless you set it. Which is great. No guessing or writing on your lift bar to get it into the right slat. Installed, the four cushy pegs make a tight seal that even a giant bulldog can’t break down.
Kitty has been able to get underneath them both, and the easy install really has been easy and have held up to lots of up and down (the laundry room is highly used in this house!) Available from Target and BabiesRUs, they retail for about $25.00 without a coupon. Worth it.
So sad. Why can’t I play in the doggie water?! |
Hmmmm, I guess I’m ok with it. |
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